New Pack

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Ricky POV
The next day had arrived and I woke up to an empty space in bed. Chris was awake then. I sat up in bed just thinking about everything going on.

Wow this is just one fucked up mess. First I find out I'm actually a vampire and next I find out that there's an incredibly dangerous vampire called Kuza out to kill me. Bracing myself I got out of bed changing into some clean clothes before heading downstairs. Everyone turned their heads to look at me. It looked like a meeting was going on.

"W-what's going on?" I asked
"We were talking about how where not ready to attack yet, Kuza has probably found out about the death of Victoria which is why we need to build an army up incase he does attack" explained Ghost.

"I know a pack that are probably willing to help us the pack is run by two alphas Ash Costello and Nikki Misery they have a big pack, not as big as ours, but combined together it's an army of vampires" explained Chris.

"Vinny was telling us he knows where the pack is" joined in Lexus.
"Y-yeah I knew Ash when we were younger and I have visited them a couple of times they live in a mansion but it's miles would probably take half a day to get there" explained Vinny.

"Then what are we waiting for?! lets get packing!" Said Balz clapping his hands together getting everyone to go off to their rooms.

As I was about to go pack upstairs Chris grabbed my arm "um Ricky?"
"Bring your weapons with you" he asked.
I smirked a little it has been a while since I've used them. "Gladly" I replied.

"So who is in this pack?" I asked
"Here's a list of everyone in the pack" said Ryan Ashley handing me a peace of paper.

Ash Costello
Nikki Misery
Craig Mabbitt
Gab Mabbitt
Tj Bell
Ben Bruce
Denis Stoff
Kyle Pavone
Andy Glass

The pack is quite big but it seemed like it was still small. "Seems abit small" I muttered.
"That's the thing pack members leave or they go missing Tj used to be in our pack but then he decided to move and by the looks of it joined Ash's Pack" replied Allie.

The journey to the house took quite a long time and was incredibly boring. I just kind of let my mind wonder as I just thought again about everything going on in life. I was still trying to get my head around that I was actually a vampire the creatures that I absolutely despised because one killed my sister...the same one that's after me....

I still don't know how I feel about Chris it's like I feel something but I don't know what. I didn't tell him but he was my first kiss and to be honest I liked it. But I'm still not sure how I feel about him I feel like....I get nervous when I'm around him and I feel like my pulse skips a beat. What is this feeling?

"Ricky? Ricky?" Called Chris skating my arm slightly interrupting my thoughts. "We're here" he spoke softly.

I looked out the window to see a mansion it looked quite nice and similar to Chris'.

We all got out of the car and stood behind Chris as he knocked on the door. As I listened in I heard a woman's voice shout "Ben answer the door!"

As the door opened a guy with kind of scruffy brown hair and a lot of tattoos opened the door. "Hello?" He said

"I'm Chris, Ash and Nikki are expecting us" he spoke.
"Ash it's Chris and by the looks of it brought a lot of friends" he said before moving away from the door "come on in she'll be down in a second".

We all stepped in and the house was beautiful. I looked into the lounge to see what must have been her pack sitting in the lounge.

Chris POV
"Hello Chris" called Ash as she walked down the stairs towards me before pulling me into a hug "good to see you" she said as she pulled away from the hug.

"I'm guessing you know why I'm here?" I asked.
"So this is Ricky?" She asked turning to look at him. "Nice to meet you" he said before shaking her hand.

"You look just like your sister...sorry" she muttered before bowing when head down.
"It's fine"
"Anyway while we get familiar with our selfs might as well meet my pack" she said walking into the living room "follow me" she said and we all followed her into the living room.

"So this is my pack you all know Tj"
"Nice to see you guys again"
"You guys met Ben when he answered the door and this is his Sub Denis, This is Craig and his sub Gab they have two kids Leela and Caige" she said pointing At the couple sitting on the couch with a little girl and boy in their laps.
"And this is Kyle and his sub Andy"
"Nice to meet you"

"well might as well introduce my pack this is Ghost and Kylie, Jack and Alex, Max and Josh, Ryan and Allie, Other Ryan and Josh, Lexus and Hayley and my other Ricky and I'm guessing you guys have met Vinny he was held captive by Kuza's pack he said he knows you guys" I said introducing my pack to everyone pointing at each one of them.

"Yes it's nice to see you again Vinny"
"Nice to see you too Ash"

"Nikki is in the kitchen and we would like to discuss some things with you in private" she said before leading me to the kitchen.

As I walked into the kitchen Nikki was sitting at the table. "Nice you see you again Chris" he said pulling me into a bro hug "nice you see you again too".

"So are you going to help us protect Ricky?" I asked.
"Not yet I need you to help me first" replied Ash.
"W-what do you mean? I thought we had a deal?!"
"Four of my pack member have gone missing, four of them and I know that Kuza has them!" Replied Ash clenching her hands into fists.
"Who's gone missing?" I asked

"They are both couples Tyler Carter and his Dom Michael Bohn and Vic Fuentes and his sub Kellin Quinn" explained Nikki.

"But what if their dead?" I asked.
"They are not dead!" Argued Ash slamming her fists into the table.
"I hired Vinny to go find them and I think he did but that fucker compelled him to forget where he found them...he's after me too Chris remember me and Nikki used to be in his pack until we had the courage to leave and build up our own" explained Ash.

"Will you help us Chris? Because if you don't we won't help protect Ricky because we put our own know when a pack member has died because you can sense it we haven't felt anything so there is still hope and that means if we find them it makes the packs stronger" said Nikki.

"Ok I'll help" I accepted I was willing to do anything to protect Ricky and I see Ash as like a sister I never had so I knew I needed to protect her too. "But first we need to get to Vinny, I was able to compel Vinny into telling us where Kuza is but that could be a lie that Kuza has compelled him to tell" I explained.

"We might be able to help Gab knows a ritual that can break compulsion and memories...we will take place tonight"

Author note
Hey sorry this chapter sucked but I really wanted to add a chapter because I have ideas for next coming up chapters and there are probably errors but it's 1am so I'll check tomorrow :)

Anyway please Check out my other stories :)

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