The Past

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This Chapter is about Ricky and Jessica. This is how I think she would look like I came across this picture on google images and here is also a picture of Fetus Ricky :3

Ricky POV

I woke up shooting out of my bed throwing myself forward. Another fucking nightmare. Most nights I get them there always so terrifying.

I always dream about Jessica dying...from a vampire. I'm sure it would never happen because Jessica is always head strong and always has her head screwed on.

But I'm getting them all the time. Is it a sigh? Is it a prediction?

I didn't really want to be alone at the moment. Slowly I sat up in bed bringing myself back to reality before climbing out of bed.

I walked down the end of the corridor before I got to Jessica's room. Quickly I knocked on the door. "Yeah?" She called.

As I walked in she was sitting on the end of her bed writing in her diary.
"Hey you ok?" She asked with concern.
"I-I had another nightmare" I responded nervously. I didn't want her to think I was a child and I didn't want to be treated like one.

She patted the end of her bed for me to sit down. As I sat down she turned to look at me "do you wanna talk about it?" She asked.
"Vampires" I said.
"Is that all it was about?....not all vampires are like that you know some are really cool but you have to be careful" she explained wrapping her arms around me. I always liked Jessica's hugs they were always warm and parents never really hugged me they preferred Jessica.


Next day I woke up to Jessica shaking me. "Come on I'm taking you out!" She called excitedly.
"Ok ok I'm up" I groaned rubbing my eyes.
"Grab your weapons" she said.

I grabbed my weapons and changed clothes before heading out the door with Jessica. "We're are we going?" I asked.
"To train" she said with a smirk on her face. "You know how to use the weapons let's see you give them a try for real" she said as we walked deeper and deeper into the woods. It was easy to see because it was day time.

She finally stopped before facing me. "Take your bow and arrow out" she said.
I took it out waiting for what she wanted me to do next. "Ok you see that tree all the way down there I want you to shoot it" she ordered pointing at a really fucking far away tree.

"What?! How am I supposed to shoot it it's too far away!" I complained.
She just smirked at me "just try" she said. Shrugging my shoulders I drew the bow and arrow back keeping my aim on the tree before letting go.

The arrow landed on the floor close to the tree. "Try again! You were close!" She ordered like a teacher.

Pulling out a new arrow I drew by bow and arrow back again. "Focus!" She called. I focused on the tree and nothing but the tree and finally let go.

I was surprised when I looked to see the arrow hit the tree. I chuckled a little in surprise "see I told you!" She said.

"Ok let's practice fighting" she said standing in front of me holding her hands out for me to punch. "Don't go easy on me because I'm your sister Ricky" she warned.

I brought my fists up and moved so I was in fighting stance. "Ok show me how you punch!" She called.

Quickly I collided my fist into her hand. She pushed my fist back "harder!" She called and I punched her hand again. "That's not going to scare anyone Ricky punch harder!" She ordered.

So harder I collided my fist with her hand before punching her other hand with my other fist. She jumped back running her hand "ow! I'm impressed" she said.

Suddenly she threw herself into my back pretending to go at my neck. Quickly I grabbed her, throwing her over my shoulder so she hit the floor. Quickly she got back up pushing me back down onto the floor. Using fast reactions I grabbed my hidden blade from my leg knocking her off me, pushing her to the floor and holding the blade to her throat.

"Jessica you scared the shit out of me!" I argued.
"That's the point I was suppose to use surprise attack a vampire isn't going to go 'hey I'm going to drink your blood now!' Are they? You need to expect the worse if you want to stay alive!" She responded chuckling a little.

"But I'm impressed I've taught you well over the years" she said with a smirk on her face. I moved the blade away before pulling her back up.

"Come on let's head back"

I woke up in the middle of the night to someone talking...but I didn't recognise the voice. It sounded like Jessica but also another females voice.

Slowly tip toeing I walked up to the door of Jessica's room which was slightly open. Jessica was sitting on her bed but there was another girl in the room. She was wearing all black and she had brown hair at one side of her head the other half shaved.

"Do you have it?" Asked Jessica.
"Yeah I have it but use it wisely" she responded handing her a bottle filled with blood. "Someone's here we'll talk later" said Jessica to the girl.

"Ok I'll be in contact Jessica" she said before climbing out the window.

I woke up, eyes piercing open as I looked around the room. I was in Chris' room naked in bed with him.

I sat up in bed rubbing my face why was I dreaming about Jessica? And was that Lynn talking to Jessica? Why did she had her blood? What was its purpose to Jessica?

Author Note:
I've got a lot coming up so I will be updating regularly. I have also put clues in this chapter can you guess what's coming up? ;p

I have now set up a book of oneshots were I will but my already written oneshots on e.g the Jalex oneshot and if you want to request one please read the rules before requesting :)

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