Moving On

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This is round the same time as the attack on Vinny and Lynn

Hayley POV

I was currently in class with Alex, Ricky, Andy and Denis. The lesson was boring but I like to take my mind off things like focusing on school work.

It makes me feel like a normal human being. To be honest I hate being a vampire. I hate to idea of feeding on innocent human beings which is why I stick to bags. Vampires are terrifying their harsh and show no emotions which is why I always feel my anxiety go up accept when I'm with the subs of our pack.

"Do you hear that?" Asked Max
"What do you mean?" Responded Ricky.
"Guys look" said Andy pointing at the window. Everyone in the class turned to see a huge swarm of Crows flying towards the windows.

I clutched onto my chair in fear. Crows remind me of the death of my family. When my family died crows swarmed round our house as if a territorial thing. Victoria killed my family and had crows swarm my house to remind me of it. Luckily she's dead.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!!" Shouted Ricky as the crows smashed through the window and began to swarm the classroom.

My body began to shake. I felt myself hyperventilate as the crows began to swarm and attack me. I'm going to die oh my god I'm going to die right here and now!!

I looked around to see Alex clutching onto Denis and Max clutching onto Ricky. "HAYLEY GET OVER HERE!!" Shouted Ricky reaching out for my hand. But I didn't react.

I clutched onto myself screaming at the top of my lungs. "HELP ME PLEASE SOMEONE MOM DAD!!" I began to scream.

I heard someone run over grabbing me. It was Andy. He kept hold of me shielding over me so the crows couldn't get near me. "It's ok keep calm it's ok Hayley they'll be gone soon" he whispered keeping hold of me.

After a minute he was right. They were gone. Everyone got up but I clutched to Andy's muscular body. I wasn't ready to let go.

Chris, Jack, Josh, Kyle, Ben ran into the classroom.

Alex ran over to Jack being pulled into a hug. "You ok? What happened?" Asked Jack.
"Crows flew in through the window and attacked everyone" he explained.
"Did they hurt you?"
"Only a few feathers in my hair" he responded as Jack with a worried looked pulled the feathers out of Alex's hair.

"Max you ok?" Said Josh rushing over to Max kissing him on the lips.
"Yeah I'm fine just a little shaken up"

"Fucking hell Denis what happened?!" Said Ben
"Crows f-flew in" stuttered Denis he was probably still in shock like me. I looked as Ben grabbed Denis kissing him on the lips before pulling him into a hug.

"Ricky are you ok?" Asked Chris cupping Ricky's cheeks.
"Yeah I'm fine it's Hayley you need to worry about, she was so scared Chris" responded Ricky with concern.

I still kept my hold of Andy. "You ok now?" He asked stroking my shoulder with his thumb. I shook my head.

"I'll go get Lexus" said Kyle running off out the classroom to get Lexus.

Right now I really needed her.

"HAYLEY OH MY GOD HAYLEY!!" Screamed Lexus running into the classroom.
"Stand up" she said taking hold of me while Andy let go so he could be with Kyle.
Andy walked over to Kyle while Kyle pulled him into a hug "you're really brave for protecting Hayley" he whispered kissing him on the cheek. To he honest he was.

"Hayley are you ok?!" Asked Lexus with worry.
"T-take me home p-please" I began to sob.

When we got home Lexus lead us to our bedroom. Rushing over she opened the wardrobe grabbing suitcases throwing clothes into them.

"W-what are you doing?" I whimpered.
"We're leaving" she said grabbing more of our stuff.
"W-why?" I complained.
"Because it's too dangerous for us it's obvious Kuza the fucker did that because he attacked the human classroom too the Dom classrooms were right by the windows too...he's going for the weak and I'm not risking your life for someone who is Chris' mate who we have only known for about a month!" Argued Lexus.

"B-but I like Ricky and I don't want to leave the pack" I spoke.
"I DON'T CARE HAYLEY I'M DOING THIS FOR YOU!" She shouted causing me to jump a little.

Her expression softened and she kneeled in front of me. "I'm sorry for shouting it's just...I don't want to risk losing you...I put you first before anyone else I even put you first before's just until this blows over when Kuza is gone well be safe to come back" she apologised.
I nodded my head in agreement "ok I'm sorry" I whispered.

As we walked down the stairs with our suitcases we looked to see Chris and Ricky.
"What's this?" Asked Chris
"We're leaving the pack" responded Lexus.
"Why?" He asked.

"Because of today that's why Hayley was put in danger!" She said.
"If you leave that means less people going after Kuza!" Argued Chris.
"I put my own first! If we stay Hayley is in danger and I'm not going to risk her dying over someone we hardly know just because he's your mate" spat Lexus pointing at Ricky.

"Ok..I wish you be best of luck..and stay safe" responded Chris quietly.
Lexus bowed her head down before walking out the house.

I turned to look at Ricky. He gave me a soft smile holding his arms out for a hug. I walked over wrapping my arms around him.
"Stay safe" he whispered
"You too" I muttered.

I pulled away from Ricky looking into his eyes "once day you will be ready to move on from your sister" I whispered before walking out the house.

Ricky POV

I was sad that Hayley was leaving the pack. I didn't really know much about Lexus but I know she means well.

But when Hayley mentioned my sister imagines of last nights dream flashed through the my mind.

Images of the blood Lynn gave her. It didn't look like human blood it looked vampire blood. But why did she have vampire blood? Why did she need it? What's it's use?

Her diary, her diary, her diary echoed through my mind.

Her diary that will tell me..maybe it will give us an idea to were Kuza is.
"Hey you ok?" Asked Chris with concern.
"Chris I need to go back home" I said turning to look at him. His eyes widened he must of thought I was leaving.
"I had a dream last night about the times I used to spend with my sister and her diary keeps flashing though my mind...I need to find that diary Chris! I think it will tell us we're Kuza is!" I responded.

"I'll go with you" he responded following me out the house.

I wasn't going to add this chapter until tomorrow but I thought might as well XD

So yes Lexus and Hayley have left. I did enjoy writing about Hayley. I liked the idea of writing a sweet character but I felt like her and Lexus were too in the background of the story compared to everyone else and it's kind of stressful writing a lot of characters. But I didn't want to kill them off so I may have them return later on.

Also do any of you guys have any guesses to what you think is in Jessica's diary. I have put clues in 'The Past' chapter can you guess ;)

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