The Final Battle

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Ok this is the final major chapter before the epilogue. In this chapter is what Kuza's fate is....

Alex POV
Tonight was the night that both vampire packs were going to fight against Kuza and his army. I wasn't scared no...I was petrified because I knew anyone could die tonight anyone. Including anyone in the pack.

"You Ok?" Asked Jack holding my hand.
"I-I don't know" I muttered
"Things will be ok all of this will be over and we can go back to our normal lives again" said Josh walking over trying to reassure me.
"Well kind of normal" said Max.

"Our Job is to defend Ricky we won't let anyone hurt him" I said before we all went into a group hug.
"We will he through this" reassured Max.

Balz POV

"You nervous?" Asked my girlfriend Ryan.
"A little but we have a bigger army compared to Kuza and besides two members of his pack are already dead the others will be a piece of cake" I responded.
"You're probably right" muttered Allie looking at her nails.

"Everyone gather round" called Chris ordering everyone to follow him into the living room.
"Ok I know you are all nervous about what is about to go down tonight to be honest I have no idea what will happen tonight but I hope for the one will die if we stick to the teams.....I'm going to put you guys in teams and you must stick together and defend each other" explained Chris.

"The first group will be Jack, Max, Josh, Vic, Kellin, Tyler and Michael, Lynn and Vinny, your job is to go after the weakest ones I'm asking this group to do that is because non of you were born vampires it just developed in time so naturally your not going to be as strong as everyone group Ben, Denis, Kyle, Andy, Craig, Tj, Ash and Nikki this is advantage for this group because you have two alphas in your group....third group is Balz, Ryan Ashley, Allie, Ryan, Ghost and Kylie your job is to defend Ricky and don't let anyone near and Ricky are going to take down Kuza which is what I need this group to defend us Gab will also be staying at home with Leila and Cage" explained Chris.

"Am I clear?" He asked and everyone nodded their heads.
"Ok let's head out!" He called as we all rushed to the multiple vans before driving to the werehouse.

Ricky POV

I felt my heart pounding as we drove up to the werehouse driving across the bridge were I last saw Jessica. I was still thinking about her, I can never take her off my mind because I know my sister is alive but she can never come home.

I felt Chris' hand envelope mine as he continued to drive.
"You ok?" He asked.
Slowly I nodded my head nervously "it'll be all over soon and we won't have to worry anymore" he spoke softly.

As we drove up I could sense him in the building. I gulped loudly before grabbing my weapons getting out the car along with everyone else.

Third POV

As they opened the doors they were welcomed by Kuza standing at the stop of the warehouse along with and army of vampires. They didn't look like they were part of his pack just like they were hypnotised to be part of his army.

"I'm sorry it's got to end like this Chris...but you left me no choice" said Kuza.
"No it doesn't have to end like this we can talk things over!" Called Chris.
"Sorry but that won't work!" He called when suddenly his army started charging at them.

"EVERYONE ATTACK!" Shouted Chris and everyone split off into different directions as Ricky and Chris continued to run forward to get to Kuza.

One by one Kuza's "army" fell down onto the floor dead. The room smelt strongly of blood as multiple dead bodies were on the floor.

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