I Could Save Him

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Ricky POV

I had to get away I don't know how but I needed to find her! I needed to find out where my sister is.

"LYNN?! LYNN?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I ran into the woods. I knew she would be in the woods.

"What's kicked you in the dick?" I looked to see Lynn crouching on a tree branch like an assassin waiting for her prey. "Where is she?" I called.
"Who?" She asked as if she was trying to be oblivious.

"Jessica! Where is she?!"
She jumped from the tree earning a soft thump as she landed perfectly on her feet crouching down with one hand on the ground.
"I don't know what your talking about" she said as she stood up.
I felt my blood begin to boil she was lying to me! She was lying right at my face.

I felt my eyes glow red as my anger began to rise to the surface. "YES YOU DO!" I growled knocking her onto the floor so I was straddling her.
"WHERE IS SHE?! WHERE IS MY SISTER IS SHE ALIVE?!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs in her face.

"YES!....Jessica's alive" she spoke. I let go of her before standing up along with her getting up too to face me.
"Where is she?" I asked softly.
"I'm sorry Ricky but I can't tell you I wish I could but I can't, it would put you both in even more danger you need to understand that I can't tell you where she is"

I felt my lip begin to quiver and tears slowly drip down my face. "I-is she safe?" I whispered.
She gave me a soft smile before nodding her head "yeah she's safe and she misses you so much she would want you to know that".

I turned around walking away I didn't want to show my emotions in front of her. All I could think about was that my sister is alive but I felt anger too for so long I grieved and cried for her and she was alive all this time.

Darkness that all I saw around me. Vivid memories of my past but non of them were clear.

I woke up on a bridge in the middle of no were....the same bridge my sister 'died' on. A tall man about Chris' height was standing on the edge of the bridge as if he was about to jump grabbing onto the fence of the bridge.

Why did this all seem so familiar? Why do I feel like I've been here before?

"Don't jump" I heard a voice. I turned to see my younger self? Standing at the end of the bridge looking at the man. What was this? It was like I was watching something starring myself.

"Why shouldn't I? I have nothing to live for" he muttered.
"No matter how hard things in life are killing yourself is just showing them that they've won" said my younger self stepping closer.

"Humh....what if I want them to win?"
"Won't there be people who will miss you if you're gone?" I asked stepping even closer to him.
I could hear sobs escaping the man as he gripped tighter onto the bridge.
"Come on tell me...who is important in your life?"

"My brother...my parents hit me and tell me that I'm worthless my bother is so scared of them and doesn't do anything to stop them...but he cleans me up and feeds me" he explained in a shaky voice as sobs escaped his mouth.
"See! Is there anyone else?" I asked.

"There's this girl...this girl that I love her name's Jessica she's strong and caring just like you...even though I've only just met you" he explained.
"I have a sister named Jessica" I spoke.

"But you see? there are two people that care about you it may seem small to everyone else or yourself but it's enough....I know what it's like to have parents that don't care about you believe me I do but I have my sister and that's enough for me...the best thing to do is to climb back over the bridge and stand tall, become tougher and you will get though it" I spoke.

I watched as the man nodded his head before slowly climbing back over throwing himself onto the road of the abandoned bridge. I watched as my younger self walked over to the guy holding his hand out for him.

"I'm Ricky" I said as he looked up at me.
"M-Michael" he said grabbing hold of my hand pulling himself up. I watched as he froze staring into my eyes.
"What?" I asked
"I'm sorry it's just I know who your bound to" he muttered.
"As in a mate?"
"Yeah something like that I can sense it" he said.

"Thank you Ricky...I'll see you again...one day depends on what I choose in life" he said before running off.

I threw myself forward in bed and everything flashed through my mind how I spoke to Lynn today about my sister. An how I have always thought in my mind that I have met Kuza before...I saved him from committing suicide he must have turned his emotions off after.

Maybe we didn't have to kill him....if Chris can co-operate with me and the rest of the packs. Maybe just maybe....he could get him to turn his emotions back on.

And save him.......

Author Note
Ok there is going to be three or two more chapters until this story is finished.

But I plan to write a sequel. I have a couple of ideas in my mind of what the sequel will be about but I haven't set a proper storyline to the story yet I'm still brainstorming ideas :)

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