There Will Be Blood

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*warning there is blood and gore in this chapter*

Ryan POV

We all waited for Victoria to arrive at the house so we could finally begin our plan. We had the blood bag ready to give to her, we were planning on telling her that it was Ricky's blood but it was not at all. Everyone was sat on the couches waiting for her to arrive at the house. "Do you think the plan will work?" Asked Balz. "We do have a plan B if she doesn't fall for the bait" I responded.

And that was when the door bell rang. I walked over to answer the door and there she was. I could smell a strong sent of blood on her. I looked to see she had a passed out human in her arms with blood around his neck. "I thought we told you to come alone" I said
"Well I got hungry" she said throwing the body to the floor stepping into the house dragging her finger across my shoulders before properly walking into the house.

"So where is he?" She asked
"We're not letting you see him just take your precious blood and get out" responded Balz throwing the blood bag for her to catch. She caught it quickly ripping the cap off the bag and taking a sip.

She started struggling to breathe and gasping for air "y-you tricked me!" She gasped.
"Did you really think we would let you drink Ricky's blood how stupid do you think we are" I hissed at her as she fell to the floor and went unconscious.
"looks like we didn't need plan B" smirked Balz.
Chris POV
*Warning Torture*

Ryan and Balz took Victoria down to the basement and tied her up on a chair. I told everyone else to go upstairs part from Ryan, other Ryan, Allie, Balz, Ghost, Kylie and Lexus. We were planning on getting a confession out of her, find out were Kuza is.

We all looked as she slowly opened her eyes from her slumber and groaned in pain. As she saw us all she struggled realising she was tied up "you basterds!" She spat. I walked over to her grabbing her chin so she was facing me
"ok I'm going to ask a couple of questions and I want an answer what are you doing back here?" I asked.
"I thought that was obvious to kill Ricky it was by instinct the Kuza knew you found him we had just arrived in time by the time you realised he was your mate" she admitted.

" how many people are in Kuza's pack that are here?" I asked.
"Ha, like I would tell you that!" She laughed. I slowly turned to look at Lexus. She smirked before nodding her head rushing over to Victoria and breaking both of her wrists. Victoria let out a blood curdling scream stomping her feet on the floor trying to shake off the pain.
"I ASK AGAIN! How many of your pack are here?!"
"Five" she groaned and hissed.
"Weren't there more in the pack?" I asked.
"They left the pack....they realised what Kuza was really like and left!" She responded.

"Ok this question is a little bit tougher but you should be able to answer it!" I asked slowly so she could understand. She kept silent and didn't respond. I turned towards Allie and Ryan. Both walked over breaking her fingers one by one. She let out a blood curdling scream and struggled to fight back.
"Where is Kuza?!" Demanded Ghost.
"Fuck you!" She spat in his face. Kylie slapped her in the face causing the sound to echo through the walls and clawed at her face.

"Answer the question bitch!" She spat.
"You won't break me!" She responded. Balz walked over stabbing a knife into her leg causing her to scream.
"This pain will stop Victoria if you just answer the question" I reminded her. She was a fighter I will give her that.
"Why are you so loyal to Kuza he doesn't care about you! He doesn't care about anyone in your pack he only cares about himself and killing Ricky" I said to her but I knew she didn't care. "I say give her time to think and come back in a hour I mean the human is still upstairs last time I checked he was breathing we should question him in the next room" suggested Ryan Ashley. We all got up and left leaving the knife still in her leg.
Josh POV

Me and Max walked down the stairs to the basement to see Victoria to see if we could get anything from her without using tourture. I slowly opened the doors to see her chained up to a chair blood everywhere and a knife sticking out of her leg.

"Hello Josh" she said with a smirk on her face.
I slowly walked in with Max standing behind me I didn't want her near him. "So you two are the British guys?" She asked. "We just want to ask some questions" I said.
"What questions?" She breathed
"Like where is Kuza?"
"Ha, wow I've already been asked this one before I'm sorry but I refuse to answer that question" she laughed breathlessly. "Why do you defend him and care about Kuza so much?" I asked "I should ask the same to you about Chris" she responded.

"Because he is a caring alpha who has protected all of us and helped us all can't say the same about Kuza!" I said.
"Ha, yeah I will give you that one Kuza doesn't give a shit about us! But that's fine because I like to play rough isn't that right Joshua?!" I turned to looked at Max both me and him looked confused of what she meant.
"W-what do you mean?" I asked.

"Does Oli Sykes ring any bells? Yeah he was your first love wasn't he?". I clenched my fist
"don't speak about him!" I gritted through my teeth.
"Kuza turned him into a vampire and went through a lot of tourture and pain but he eventually escaped we don't know where he is now". I began to feel anger deep inside of me as she continued
"but Max looks like a good next target he looks so vunrable I mean look at him his adorable face, his small height, his positive personality I mean he does look weak but delicious for a infertile sub" she continued.

Max ran over slapping her across the cheek
"I am not a weak person!" He growled eyes glowing red and his fangs bearing. He pulled the knife out of her leg and placed it against her heart.
"Tell us were Kuza is, I will not hesitate to push this though your heart!" he commanded.
"Hahah, wow Max someone's angry!" She growled before biting his arm.

And that was it Max screamed at the top of his lungs and then I could hear footsteps rushing down the stairs. I ran over pushing Max freeing him from her mouth and grabbed hold of the knife. She laughed and licked her lips "haha, wow he really is delicious! I want more" she moaned.

I had, had enough because I knew if she escaped once she had a taste she would be back thats what most vampires do when they drink any human or vampire blood. I screamed before stabbing the knife into her heart. She gasped before looking up at me
"I'm sorry but I can't risk you living now that you have tasted his blood because I know you would be back for more" I hissed and her head finally ducked down as she was now dead.

Chris and Ricky came rushing down the stairs to see what happened. They looked to see Max shuffled on the floor holding his arm and me still grabbing hold of the knife in her heart. "What have you done?!" Asked Chris
"S-she was going to kill Max" I stuttered.
"How are we going to find out where Kuza is?!" He responded. "I know! The human that the Victoria girl brought with her he might know" responded Ricky.
"Ok dispose of Victoria and set up the chair for him" commanded Chris. I nodded my head before they both walked out..
. -----------------
Chris POV

I was hoping Ricky's idea would work as Josh and Max ruined it by interfering which caused Victoria to now be dead. Once Victoria was now gone me and Ricky placed the kid on the chair and tied him up. We both stay back as he finally began to wake up. I watched as he whimpered in panic and struggled through the chains just like Victoria did.

"Ok I'm going to ask you a couple of questions first what's your name?" I asked.
"V-Vinny" he stuttered.
"What happened to the girl t-that bit me?" He stuttered. "She's dead" responded Ricky.
"Were you part of her pack?" I asked. He shook his head
"no! No I wasn't they kidnapped me and drank from me for days" he responded.

"You see I don't believe you, you did arrive with Victoria and now that she's dead your talking a lot" I responded. I didn't believe him. "Wait! Can't we compel him? Vampires can compel right?" Suggested Ricky. I nodded my head before walking up to him.

I kneeled infront of him and looked into his eyes.
" are you a member of Kuza's pack?" I asked
"No I was kidnapped and forced to be their blood bag" he responded in a monotone voice.
"Ok do you know where Kuza's pack is?" I asked next.
"In a small house in the woods" he responded. "How did you come across them?" I asked.
"I'm a vampire hunter and I had herd about the pack and tried to take them down on my own but I was too weak compared to them"
"Do you hunt all vampires?"
"No only ones that I know have done bad to others" he responded.

"Ok I believe him" I said ending the compulsion he blinked his eyes before going back to his normal self.
"Ok we believe you, you can stay in a spare room tonight one of my pack members will clean you up and we will talk tomorrow"

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