Apologies and Home Alone

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Chris POV
"So who exactly is Kuza" asked Ricky as he sat in front of me. I didn't want to go into too much detail but at the same time I felt like he needed to know what was going on.
"He's an alpha his real name is Michael Kuza and his pack is called Kuza...he is one of the most dangerous alphas out of all the vampires and the reason he's after you is because...he's my brother we were close once but a couple events happened...he always felt like I was the brother that got the most attention he made a promise that if I ever found my mate he would kill them" I explained to him.

I watched as he placed his face into his hands trying to take it all in. "He killed Jessica didn't he? thats who I saw when I drank your blood" He said.
I knew he needed to know so slowly I nodded my head.
"I....I need to clear my head" said Ricky before rushing out the room.

"Kylie!" I called quickly using her vampire speed she rushed into the room.
"Yes Chris?" She asked
"I want you, ghost, Ryan, Allie, Balz, Lexus and the other Ryan to find Victoria and make a negotiation with her I'm asking all of you to go because you're the strongest in the pack and she's not going to try and pick a fight if all of you are their" I spoke.

"Yes Chris I'll round them up" she said before leaving the room.
Till this day I still blame myself for what happened with Michael.

Ricky POV
I didn't know what to think I first find out that I'm actually a vampire, then I find out the truth about my sister and then this. I took deep breaths in and out before deciding to walk around the house and clear my head. I didn't see were I was going and ended up bumping into someone. "I'm sorry!" He muttered it was Max.

He quickly got up to walk away before I grabbed his arm. "Max right?" I asked. He slowly nodded his head in response "I just want to apologise...for what I said before and how I made you feel...I was angry, confused and not myself and I haven't been myself for years and I have always thought all vampires were evil not even knowing that I was one...so what I'm trying to say is that I'm really sorry, I was a complete asshole to you and Hayley...I hope we can be friends" I apologised. I watched as he nodded his head in response

"I forgive you...I know how it feels to think your human all your life and find out your a vampire" responded Max. "So...what are you up to?" I asked trying to make conversation.
"Me, Josh, Hayley, Alex and Jack were just going to watch a movie" he responded.
"Do you want to join us?" He asked. I was surprised even though I apologised to him I was a complete ass and he's forgiven me very quickly.
"Ok...it might help me clear my mind from what's going on" I responded. "Follow me!" He responded cheerfully as I followed him to a small sitting room.

As I entered the room I could feel Josh's eyes burn into me to be honest it didn't surprise me.
"Josh I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I really am, I was a complete douche bag to Max and you too Hayley when you guys were only trying to help me, I wasn't myself and now I know the truth that you guys are not a threat to me I hope you guys get to see the real side to me" I apologised.

"I forgive you" responded Hayley and smiled
"I'm not one to hold grudges and I hope we can become friends!" She responded. I turned to look at Josh he looked me up and down before finally speaking
"I'm not one to hold grudges either, Max was aggressive like you too when he found out what he was" he spoke as Max walked over to lie in Josh's arms.
"Now that he finally accepted who he is I now see the real side to him" he continued as he kissed Max's cheek which caused him to giggle.
"And I'm also sorry for throwing you across the room it's just I would do anything to protect Max" apologised Josh.

"It's ok and thank you" I said as they had both forgiven me. "We were about to watch a movie do you want to watch it with us? I mean Alex and Jack told us what's going on it might help get off your mind for a bit" asked Hayley.
I nodded in response "ok" Hayley patted and area on the couch next to her for me to sit down. Walking over I grabbed one of the blankets and tucked myself under it.

"So what are we watching?" Asked Josh. I watched as the skunk haired guy Jack I think pulled out a DVD shouting at the top of his lungs
"HOME ALONE!!" Alex rolled his eyes before responding "seriously Jack that's all you ever watch"
"Home alone is the best movie ever do you agree Ricky?" He asked me.
"I-I've never watched it" I responded
"Well prepare to have your little Emo mind blown!" He said before slipping the DVD in and throwing himself onto the couch. He lay his head on Alex's lap while Alex roamed his fingers through his hair.

Once the film finished and the credits began to role everyone sat in a circle. "I think because Ricky is fresh meat of the pack and the mate of our beloved Alpha we should all get to know each other, I'll start my name is Max Helyer, I'm a infertile sub and my mate is Mr Joshua Franceschi, my favourite thing to do is eat and not just blood human food is good too, I play guitar and like to make everyone feel positive" said Max.

"I'll go next my name is Josh Franceschi I'm a dom vampire and both me and Max are british, Max is my mate, I like to sing and write music" explained Josh.

"I'm Hayley Ashworth, I'm a fertile sub and Lexus is my mate, my favourite thing to do is listen to music and socialise with other people I like people to know that they have someone to talk to and I don't believe in drinking from humans so I prefer to drink from blood bags"

"My name is Jack Barakat, I am the best person you will ever meet, my favourite movie is Home Alone as we have just watched, I'm a Dom and Alex is my infertile sub, my favourite band is Blink 182 and I will do anything to protect my precious Alex" he said as he kissed Alex's head.

"Ok my turn my name is Alex Gaskarth, I was originally born in the UK but moved to America, I'm a infertile sub and Jack is my dom, I like to sing and play guitar and I'm usually a chill guy so if you ever need to talk to anyone were always there".

"Ok Ricky your turn tell us about yourself" suggested Hayley. I felt shy as they all looked at me
"well...my name is Richard Olson but I prefer to be called Ricky, my favourite thing to do is listen to music and play guitar, my favourite band is HIM and I like to write short stories" I explained.

"Well we hope you like it here Ricky" responded Hayley.
"I think your going to get along with us very well" said Jack. "And don't worry about the others they can come across as intimidating but there very nice people" explained Josh. I started to feel more at ease and I knew I was going to get along with them but at the moment I couldn't get the thought of what was going on out of my head. I couldn't stop thinking about this Kuza guy. I feel like I've met him before....

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