Something's Wrong

409 23 4

Doctor's P.O.V

Turns out it's not the longest night of my life. There are many more after it. I stay with Clara everyday and night, only leaving to check up on Daisy and the Tardis. I think the hospital staff pities me, which is why they never ask me to leave when visiting hours are over. Artie and Angie visits some days after school. Sometimes her family visits, her dad more than others. He looks the other way whenever the doctor or nurses refer to me as Mr. Oswald, Clara's husband. One time I asked him why and he told me that me being with his daughter as much as I am, I might as well be her husband. Or a stalker.

We shared some laughs and he told me some bits about Clara's childhood. It's good fun for awhile, but my mood never stays that way after he leaves. I talk to Clara alot. I hold her delicate hand and talk about all the places I have yet to show her. New New New New York, The Big Bang, Pluto (It's not just a ball of ice), Midnight, and more. All she has to do is wake up.

It's been two months and a week and according to Dr. Keller, there has been no change in her condition. I don't understand why. Maybe my theory is wrong and Clara was seriously injured. Maybe she really is in a coma and she won't wake up. As quickly as that thought comes, I shake it off. She'll be fine.

I stand up and rub out the kinks in my neck and shoulders. The folding metal chair isn't the most comfortable place to sit for hours but I can't exactly pull the large reclining chair from the side of the room to her bedside. The flowers I put in the vase on the bedside table are already starting to die. I quickly grab them by the stems and hurl them into the trash. There will be no death of any kind around my Clara. I walk into the lift determined to get a new vibrant bunch of flowers from the gift shop. Say, maybe I can get Doctor Teddy as well. I pay for the flowers, a dozen white roses and a smaller bouquet of daisies for Daisy, then walk outside to the Tardis. Imagine my surprise, when Daisy opens the door.

"Daisy where have you been hiding all this time?" She rarely comes out when I come to check on her. Her expression stops me cold. She looks absolutely terrified.

"Clara's awake. Something's wrong. Something's very wrong." I drop the flowers on the pavement and race towards the hospital.

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