7 - Like a Good Girl | EXO

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Song: Good Boy - GD x Taeyang

"I don't want the tips from upstairs!"

"Think of it as a promotion then, I'm promoting you."

We were now heading out of the kitchen. I tried to catch up to him so I could beg.

"I don't know how to do the rooms, please, Mr. Kim, I don't want the rooms. Ask somebody else. Please!"

"It's got to be you, Inhye-ya. You are my last hope. You don't even listen to this music! You're from America!" He exclaimed that as if I were a royal princess. The beats of the Kpop song in the background matched our steps up the stairs and I trailed behind Mr. Kim hopelessly.

"I can't. I don't want to, Mr. Kim, please, ask Jiseo or . . ."

"Speak English! Be American!" He was obviously not listening to me at all.

"I will just be bad news," I muttered.

He stopped to face me at that, his expression menacing. I strained my neck to look up at him and hugged the basket of soju tight, hoping I don't topple over. He towered over me at the top of the staircase and spoke in a gentle, frightening voice.

"I've already had enough bad news tonight. Don't you add more." He bent down to look me in the eyes. "Wait on those rooms like how you wait on your tables, and we'll be all good. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not asking you to sleep with anybody."

But just the prospect of that effectively shut me up. I stared at the ground in contemplating silence as we traveled down the dark hallway, closer and closer to the source of raucous laughter and high-pitched screams. What were these people doing in there? Maybe I should turn around and walk out right now while I still could. Should I?

A few seconds of hesitation consummated my loss of free will. Mr. Kim had already walked into the lake of fire, with me as his oblation.

My heart halted at the sight.

Five girls were kneeling on the floor. And in front of each girl, a man stood. Instinct told me to run for the door and get out this instant but somebody had already grabbed me and dragged me to the head of the lineup. He relieved me of the basket of soju and pressed his hand down on my shoulder without even looking at me.

"I'll take her. Now we have six, right? Everyone grab a bottle!"

I pushed his hand away and looked toward Mr. Kim in dazed fury. This is not how I wait the tables downstairs, I screamed with my eyes at my gaping boss. I don't want anything to do with whatever is going on here! But my boss was too stunned at the situation himself to do or even say anything. Pressure was now back on my shoulders and this time he used both hands.

"On your knees. I already said if y'all wanna come into our room you have to kneel. You asked for it."

I turned to face him angrily. His dark eyes locked mine and for a second we both praised each other's attractiveness. He licked his lips and added strength, his eyes straggled down my body and back up to meet mine as he watched my knees finally bend due to the pressure he applied on my shoulders. I glared at him in rage and shame as he smirked and held my upper arms to guide me down slowly so I didn't smash my kneecaps.

"So pretty," he whispered and weaved one hand in my hair to tilt my head back as I knelt in front of him powerlessly. "Ready to do me proud?"

"On your mark!" He bellowed down the line and grabbed a bottle of soju from his friend, taking a step toward me. I instinctively pushed out to stop him from coming closer and looked over to see my colleagues open their mouths. What the . . . ?!

"What the hell are you doing?!" I panted strenuously. With my head forcefully tilted back, it was beyond difficult to talk.

"No manners, have we?" He let out a low chuckle and brought the bottle he was holding over to my face. "Open up. Rule is you get to stay if you are the first one to finish the whole bottle."

The other guys sniggered and the girls giggled. What kind of hell am I in, I pushed his legs hard and tried to get up but he merely bit his lip and leaned in closer. "Perhaps you should hold on to my legs. I dunno, it might help with swallowing."

Somehow the dirtiness of his words paralyzed me. I felt him shove the mouth of the bottle to my mouth and shivered helplessly under him as he barked out the next command.

"On three, everyone! And oh," he rolled his thumb against my earlobe provocatively and turned to speak to me as if he just remembered something. "I prefer Yeol. No cursing, no banmal, just nice and simple 'Master Yeol' like a good girl. Understood?"

"Hurry up Park Chanyeol!"

He smiled and turned away to face his friends. "On three then."

"One . . ." I can't believe this is happening to me.

"Two . . ." Who the hell are these people?! Is this legal? What the hell is Mr. Kim doing?!



A/N: Hey therre. Having fun? ;) Hope ya enjoyed thiss. Some naughty boys we got ourselves here, my. Little Miss Goody Two-Shoes got manhandled. WHERE MA CHANYEOL FANS AT? Keke. Vote vote VOTE and COMMENT the heck out of everything y'all. I need to know your thoughts. x

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