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Love is forbidden. Don't play with fire.


-A/N: Some stuff to keep in mind before you start!

-Numero uno: You should follow me if you want to read everything cuz the private chapters are important too.

-Age gap.

-No smut. Read for the plot, it's a plot focused book.

-EXO made Lotto for Hacking Seoul.

-The beginning is kinda bad, just warning you, but I promise this story is really good when EXO appears. You do need some patience to get to the amazing parts. I just want you guys not to be like "Omg this is boring, I'm done reading this story." Sorry I just think it's stupid if you'd quit reading an EXO story without even reading the EXO chapters.

-Please VOTE and COMMENT even if you're reading this in the year 7707. You may think I don't need the votes and comments anymore but that's not true. I need your support no matter when. This story is nothing like you thought it'd be. I promise it's amazing. Please vote to support if you like the storyI love you guys so much!!

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