10 - Double-Blind | EXO

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I pushed his hand away and moved to stand up but Monster Yeol pulled me back with a frisky smirk.

"Before you drop the clothes, why don't you introduce yourself first, Innie?"

"Don't call me that," I snapped.

"Manners, Innie, manners." He patted my thigh playfully as I shrunk away. "Or you're gonna end up on your knees in front of me again."

My face was burning. As much as I wanted to slap him across the face, I didn't want him to give me hell for the rest of the night. I lowered my head and tried to adjust my carnivorous countenance.

"Aren't you taking this a bit far?"

Did . . . I hear that right? I almost could not believe my ears. Someone was on my side . . . ?! I looked up to see that the angel who had spoken was none other than sexy Mr. Kiss-My-Lips.

"Master Jongin," I didn't even know my reflex was this good but I was glad I had seized the lifeline that was this guy, by wrapping his name in honey. Number one priority right now was to make sure Jongin liked me enough to not let Monster Yeol destroy me. I grabbed Jongin's hand and pulled him down, forcing him in between me and Monster Yeol. "Please save me from that maniac, won't you?"

The other guys burst out laughing.

"Oh she can act cute alright." Somebody sniggered.

"Look at Park Chanyeol's face."

"You kids are having too much fun. This whole 'master' thing, spare me . . . Just call me oppa." One of the guys on the far end of the couch groaned and face palmed himself.

"I want her to call me master," said the guy on the other side of Chanyeol. He cocked his head and winked at me. How are all of them so damn cute?

Someone stuffed a bottle of soju into my hand.

"I think we should start this over. Since you are so good at aegyo . . ." Chanyeol pointed to the spot immediately before him. "Get over here and greet your masters properly with all that cuteness."

I looked over to Jongin in helplessness, hoping he would come to my aid but Chanyeol merely flashed his handsome evil grin. "That or you strip. It's up to you."

He hooked his arm around Jongin's neck and leaned back into the couch. "Jongin doesn't mind seeing the pretty maid strip, does he?"

I knew that was the end of my short-lived rebellion. He had thrown down the Ace card. None of these guys were going to say no to Chanyeol's Strip Proposal. Accepting my fate, I stood up tragically and walked over to the spot to face the six guys on the couch.

"Hello, this is Choi Inhye at your service. Welcome to the Maid Café." I bowed robotically before turning to face the guy who winked at me. "It is my greatest pleasure to serve you tonight, master," bow, "Master," bow, "Master . . ."

"Greet us by our names." Chanyeol ordered, stopping my half-hearted bowing at once.

"How the hell am I supposed to know your names?" I exploded before I could stop myself.

To my great surprise, eerie silence ensued. I had expected him to bear down on me for my outburst but he only stared at me and said nothing. I backed a step away warily and looked at them glaring at me. Had I stepped over the line?

"I had a feeling this was the case . . ."

"I think this just got a whole lot better."

"Where did they even find this little maid? I might be in love."

I backed another step away at their strange reactions. I had somehow triggered an entire arsenal of testosterone and I didn't even know why. Their intensified interest was making me breathless.

"So you are saying all those girls were whores for us for no apparent reasons?" Chanyeol propped his elbows on his knees and leaned forward, his eyes shining. Is this a trick question?

"I think . . ." I started carefully and went with the answer I thought he was looking for. "They must have thought you guys were good-looking, ch-charming, enjoyable . . ."

"My god."

Somebody whistled softly.

"She doesn't know us."


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