9 - Tribute | EXO

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Chills tumbled down my spine and I turned away jaggedly in terror. My boss was yelling at my colleagues and they were getting up to leave but all the commotion only added to my dysfunctional mobility.

"No . . . This can't . . . No no no . . . Mr. Kim! I can't stay here! I'm not going to serve this room! You saw what he d-did to me, Mr. Kim, don't make me stay, please . . ." My protest turned to plead as the girls took their leave one by one. I couldn't feel my legs at all but I knew if I didn't fight for my escape now, there would be no chance of freedom after this. Biting my lip, I tried to get up from the ground. And keeled over almost instantly. I closed my eyes as I braced my fall . . . into a warm, sturdy chest.

His heat was like fire against my soaked clothes and it traveled straight to my thumping heart. I shivered in his arms and saw him smile in response to my reaction to him.

"Thanks," I muttered, now fully aware of the hand that was on my waist and how wet I was.

He raised his eyebrows at my words.

". . . Master." I added automatically.


I blinked. The way his lips moved was seduction itself. "M-master Jongin."

He tightened his arms around me and whispered as a sly grin spread across his beautiful face. "You're so wet."

Oh my god. My stomach turned at his words. Tingly hotness threatened to burn me alive from where his hands touched my body and I broke our eye contact in scurried stupor. What are these people doing to me? I stumbled away from him drunkenly and struggled to find my footing. I needed to get out of here.

All the girls had left by now. That delay with Mr. Kiss-My-Lips had set me back too far. I looked over anxiously and saw my boss shoot an apologetic look at me, before stepping out.

"No!" I lunged for the door and grabbed the doorknob with all my might.

"Your boss said we can have you all to ourselves." The excitement in his voice was bloodcurdling.

I pulled as hard as I could but the door remained immobile. "Mr. Kim! They are going to bury me. These people are crazy. We need to refuse service. You need to kick all of them out!"

"Let me out!" I yelled at Monster Yeol who was towering over me, his one hand pressed into the back of the door next to my head and his other hand snaked around me to grab the doorknob over my hand. I flinched helplessly at his closeness and inched forward in desperation.

"Inhye, just make them happy. Please them, do whatever, I'm sorry, I have no choice." My boss raced through his words and shook his head. "They are V.I.P. guests. Give your best service."

I can't believe this. He is trading me in for his own relief.

"You heard him, Innie." Monster Yeol chuckled and pushed the door close to the doom of me easily like all my effort was nothing. "Now let's see . . ."

He bent down so his face was right next to mine. "How shall we start?"

I froze into a cotton candy when I felt him encircle me from behind. He pulled me back into him by the waist and picked me up in a back-hug. Then he carried me back to his people and dropped me onto the couch carelessly, plopping down next to me himself. I couldn't help my fluttering heart. Being in his arms like that was giving me terrible, unwanted physical reactions. He was tall. I didn't realize he was this tall. It didn't help at all that he was also really goddamn attractive.

"The girl should strip first, right?" And just like that he woke me up from my lapse of judgment. Don't you fall for the devil, Choi Inhye, I warned myself and retrieved away from him but somebody sat down right on the other side of me to stop me from escaping.

"Of course. She's all wet." The new guy squeezed my knee fondly and threw me a square-shaped grin. "Don't want you to get sick now, do we?"

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