1 - Uniform Store

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It was a cloudy Wednesday and I was strolling down the streets of Seoul.

Seoul definitely didn't feel like home. To be fair nowhere felt like home these days. Not that I was looking for a homey feeling, I had just hoped moving to this city would bring some sparks into my life. When two weeks passed and nothing electrical happened, I was forced to admit that even though I had moved from Cali to Ess-Kay, my boring life hadn't moved an inch away from The Boring Highway.

I found my steps slowed as popping colors came into view. Seoul was full of these cutesy clothing shops. I stared mindlessly at the display, when suddenly I realized they were not regular clothes. These were uniforms. Uniforms that school girls wear.

I could not walk away once this discovery hit. I never had to wear uniforms in America. This was a whole new world. Halloween just came early.

I started to scrutinize them in detail to pick one out as my favorite. The final battle was between a navy blue Sailor Moon costume, and a suit and skirt with a cute starry tie. Who shall the winner be –

"Looking for uniforms? We have the cheapest uniforms, what school are you in? The science high school? The art high school?"

I turned to find a motherly lady next to me, smiling warmly. Darn. Now it was too late to walk away. I bowed and said hello to her timidly as she busily looked through the uniforms.

"So which school do you attend? You are so pretty, must be the art high school?" She asked motioning the two I was looking at, "You kids always like uniforms of other schools better, these two are actually one of the prettiest ones."

That was when I realized the big problem here: I wasn't even in high school.

As I was thinking of how I should tell her I was actually a college student, I didn't have a fetish, and the reason I was looking at these, school girl uniforms, was that I had never really seen them before, someone walked in. I let out a breath of relief as the lady turned her attention to the boy and waved him over.

"Sehun-ah! Are you buying pants again? You grow so fast!"

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