34 - Welcome to My Life | EXO

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Song: I'm a Loner - CNBlue

I ran over and read the message.

8:57 p.m. Hun | I am so sorry. I'm running late

I cursed. No, Captain Obvious.

I didn't want to wait to reply. I usually waited a while before I replied to boys but I couldn't control myself – I wanted to yell at him.

8:58 p.m. Me | so you are still coming?

And he did not reply for another twenty minutes.

9:18 p.m. Hun | yes

How dare he only send one word?!

9:19 p.m. Me | it's 9. I'm closed. Don't come.

This time he replied right away. Three messages too.

9:21 p.m. Hun | open for me.

9:21 p.m. Hun | I'm there.

9:21 p.m. Hun | I'm so sorry I'm almost there innie

My heart went on cloud nine as soon as I read his texts. He's almost here. I didn't know what to do anymore, again. The fake heart attack I was having just might become real if I didn't calm myself somehow. I threw my phone down and walked away from it like a baby, blank beyond help.

But he left me at 9:21 p.m. Not another word from him until I couldn't take it anymore. "Almost there" was a big fat lie. I hated Oh Sehun.

9:51 p.m. Me | are you lost? did traffic eat you?

This goddamn Oh Sehun was about to be two hours late. I didn't even know why I was still waiting.

9:59 p.m. Stupid late person | lol no, I'll be there soon babe be good

9:59 p.m. Stupid late person | can't wait to see u :)

I wanted to punch the smiley face he sent. Why did I even text him tonight?! I should have just let it be. Not here at eight? Well guess what! No keys for you! Noona went partying! Why should I wait?!

But I couldn't even pace around properly now that Oh Sehun said he couldn't wait to see me.

I tried to not think about him. Thinking about him was destroying my ability to reason. Yet I seemed to not be able to control my mind at this point. All I could think about was Oh Sehun and why he was late. For two hours. My night had been ruined by him.

I turned my ringtone up and left the phone sitting on my couch. I needed to get away from my phone. That was enough sitting and waiting for someone I shouldn't even be meeting. I dragged myself to my bed and plopped down on it gracelessly on my stomach. My heartbeats strummed through my ear quietly and I closed my eyes, feeling the calming coldness of my sheets against my face as my brain finally slowed down.

I hadn't had this feeling in a long while really. Wanting to see someone, waiting on that someone. It was giving me a weird sense of purpose. A little bit of excitement, with half a pound of worry. I didn't know how to react to this. It was so new to me.

But perhaps I was just thinking too much. I shut my eyes tighter. This sweet, ambiguous warmth was probably too dangerous to even try. I shouldn't let myself get too comfortable with it. I couldn't, let myself get too close to it. Especially when it involved Oh Sehun.

He needed his keys. He was just coming to get them, and I was just the person that he needed to get his keys from. He probably hadn't spent a minute thinking about our meeting tonight. I dug my face into my bed. Of course he didn't care. If he did he wouldn't be two hours late.

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