20 - MMMK | EXO

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I did not know how much time had passed before I apprehended the reality that I was alone and left in the deserted room. I must have slipped out of consciousness when they'd left. The memory with them seemed so far away though my clothes were still wet against my skin. I shivered at the coldness and groaned when I tried to sit up from the couch. If my brain had any doubts about what had happened tonight, the excruciating headache just made sure I acknowledge my wrecked state. Everything was still spinning.

I pushed myself up to rest my head against the back of the couch. My eyes were closing but I forced them open. I didn't know what I was supposed to do but I knew if I closed my eyes I would probably pass out. This feeling was starting to feel strangely relaxing. Maybe if I just let my eyes close for a while, just a little while . . . .


"Goodness gracious – Choi Inhye?!"

The voice seemed to have come from somewhere above . . . water.

"Is that you . . . ?! Choi Inhye!" He grabbed my shoulder and shook me none too gently.

I woke in the biggest confusion I had ever been in, starring into my boss' astonished face. Where am I?

"Choi Inhye! What are you doing – You can't just lie here after the customers leave. You have to clean up! You're supposed to clean up after them, look at this mess . . . You are supposed to set the room back to its original state!"

What is he talking about – Ah. My headache made me squeeze my eyes shut in agony. I was still in that nightmare where six hot guys left me in a wet, drunken mess.

"I'm s-sorry, Mr. K-Kim." I struggled to sit up straight to face my boss properly. "I didn't know – I am r-r-really sorry . . ."

My teeth were chattering. It was so cold. I just wanted to be in bed. I clenched my teeth together to stop them from chattering, hating Chanyeol with every fiber of my body for my drenched clothes.

Mr. Kim studied me carefully. "You are drunk, Choi Inhye."

"I'm s-sorry, s-sir, I didn't mean to b-b-be –"

"You're not supposed to get drunk during work hours. Your shift doesn't end for another, another . . ." He stopped abruptly and looked away a bit guiltily.

I held my breath, remembering Jongin's parting words all of a sudden. Could he really have made my boss let me go home early . . . ?

Mr. Kim faked a cough. "But, I understand, this is a special case, of course, there must've been a price you had to pay. I understand. They were very pleased with you. I did promise them . . ." He cleared his throat and waved his hand. "Forget about cleaning the room. You're off. Go get some rest."

I stared at my boss in awe. Jongin did it. I could go home now. No punishment for being drunk on the clock either. Who were those people?!

Mr. Kim stood up. "I have your tips, too. From them." He said a bit reluctantly. Perhaps I imagined the sourness in his voice. "They must have really liked you." He let out a dry laugh.

I shook my head groggily, though I was relieved he wasn't making me stay. I was in no condition to finish my shift.

"Th-Thank you, s-sir. I am r-really sorry about –"

"Just make sure you don't drink too much next time, even if the customers asked you to." Mr. Kim started to walk out. "I'm holding your tips for now. Go home comfortably. I don't want you to carry such a big amount so late at night when you are not sober."

I could only nod in silence. I would have to worry about how to get those tips from my boss later. What I needed right now, was a safe way back. Or just a miracle.


I stood unsteadily by the street lamp as the taxi approached. I hoped the driver didn't see my staggering footing. Getting myself down here unbroken was already a wonder I couldn't explain. I had fallen no less than a couple of times and both my knees and palms were hurting mercilessly. Chanyeol was right about my not being able to survive the subway. I couldn't even make it to the bus stop on the next street. Every step was an uncertain hope, strapped by struggle. Hoping I wouldn't fall, struggling to keep my balance.

The taxi slowed to a stop right in front of me. I tried to look into the window to see the driver, but my vision was too unfocused for the attempt to be fruitful. I moved in tiny, perilous steps toward the car door. Just one more step . . .

I tripped and plunged into the metal body of the car full on, hitting my head so hard my world blanked. My hands searched blindly for the door handle. I hated how I couldn't command my own body, hated that I was so close to opening the door but couldn't help myself. Chanyeol's concerned voice echoed in the back of my mind, and just like that, everything about the way he cared suddenly flushed me into complete helplessness. His demanding questions, his strong arms, how safe I felt in his gentle hands. I couldn't breathe.

Why did you push away help when you knew you needed it?! The voice in my heart was smothering me. I opened the door to the taxi weakly, in anguish. Of course I had to refuse help. There is no one for me. There never has been, and never will be.

I stumbled into the taxi miserably, uncontainable sadness replacing my pitiful helplessness. Get out of my head, Chanyeol.

The door opened all the way as the incoming person picked me up and took me with him deeper into the taxi. He pulled the door closed and wrapped his jacket around my body. And then he set me on his lap and took off my heels.

"Look at your knees." His voice was low, soft, pained with concerns, almost angelic in midst of my frying brain. "Should've let me help you, Innie."

He turned to the driver. "We're going to the same place. She's with me."

I couldn't make a sound. I couldn't move. He held my hand in his and placed a kiss on my bruising forehead.

That shut down the toiling engine in my head. I basked in his body heat deliriously and realized I was clutching his hand hard.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here." He squeezed my hand tenderly.

Everything was fading away. I heard him speak to the driver but did not register what he said at all. My vision was going black. I fought to open my eyes so I could look up, to make sure this wasn't a dream, that he was really here, and it was really his face I was looking at.

The face of my miracle, my knight, Park Chanyeol.


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