21 - O.S.H. | EXO

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Today was supposed to be a free day. Nobody remembered this Development Meeting until their manager called last night. It was one of the closest they had been to getting caught. But thanks to their unity and extensive experiences of saving each other's backs, all was good in the end.

Sehun trailed behind his group members as they made their way down the hall to the meeting room. For some reason, his mind had been lingering on yesterday's incident a lot more than it should. In fact Sehun suspected that perhaps his mind just hadn't been in the right state ever since he met the beautiful girl who did not like him, yesterday afternoon, in that tiny uniform store. Take his lost keys for example.

"So that was why you didn't come with us last night? You lost your keys?" Baekhyun asked in a low voice, looking around discreetly to make sure no one from management was around.

"Yeah." Sehun sighed. "I didn't even know how I lost them." Maybe because your mind wasn't all there after she left you, said the voice in Sehun's head. He could still smell her sweet scent, even now.

"Where were you yesterday?"

"Nowhere, I just had to buy some things for school."

Baekhyun raised his brows. "So you were in an area populated by students. Are you sure your keys weren't stolen by some stalker? You have the keys to the practice rooms and our dorms, right?"

"Yes, that's why I spent the whole night looking for them." Sehun kicked the ground, upset, and shook his head. "I don't think they were stolen though. No one was following me. You know I'm good at being undercover."

"What are you gonna do about this?" Baekhyun asked as they entered the room slowly.

"I dunno, I didn't attach anything that would reveal my identity. Maybe I'll just get a new set of everything -"

"Wait, what about your Thor keychain? I thought your initials . . ."

". . . Are on the hammer." Sehun said, stunned.

Baekhyun stared at him, equally stunned by what they just realized.

"You don't think we need to change locks, do you?" Sehun asked quickly, in hushed tone.

"I mean if you can't find those keys . . . You'd better tell them soon. You'd better tell management about this soon." Baekhyun shook his head wildly.

"I don't think they were stolen though, they probably weren't, I just lost them, and no one would know O.S.H. stands for 'Oh Sehun' –"

"You need to change the locks to your parents' house, maknae. I'd do that first thing if I were you. You can't risk it." Baekhyun continued to shake his head.

"Has anyone gotten a hold of Park Chanyeol?" The two were joined by a grave looking Junmyeon.

Baekhyun opened his mouth with widened eyes.

"You don't know where he is either?" Jongdae asked as they all made their way toward the chairs to sit.

"Should I know about this?" Sehun looked back and forth between them carefully. "Where is Chanyeol hyung?"

Junmyeon let out a long breath to calm himself before he spoke. "So none of you guys know where Park Chanyeol is?" He circulated his gaze between Kris, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, and Jongin.

But none of them paid attention to Junmyeon. None of them said anything. They were all staring . . . Sehun followed their eyes.

At the angel.

Sehun heard his heart sing.

"Where the hell is he?!"

"Wait, he never came back last night?! So when y'all said he did you were just covering for him?!"

"Does he at least know we're supposed to be at this meeting right now?!"

"He'd better show up . . . I had to lie and tell them he left the dorm early to come here and if he doesn't get here in time, if he's not even here , both of us are going to be –"

"You kids, listen to me," Junmyeon raised his voice at his fossilized group members. "We need to . . . ?! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you are . . . ?"

Sehun finally felt the ground beneath his feet again. The blood circulating his body was suddenly sweltering. Is this real? Nothing made sense. Nothing made any sense. But he didn't want to make sense of anything if it meant the goddess in front of his eyes was really here. The girl who plagued his dreams last night, the one who did not want to be near him yesterday, who did everything to get away from him so cruelly it hurt, was here, sitting in the chair in the corner of the room like a flawless Greek statue.


Dun dun dun. The suspenssse. Lolzz. But where is Park Chanyeol?? ;)


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