5 - Stupefied

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Sehun tried really hard not to laugh. The girl seemed to have lost her ability to move. She glared at him without blinking, her eyes wide and her luscious rosy lips parted slightly into a delicious curve.

"I'm not sure stalking is the word. This is just three stores down."

He said in a low voice mockingly to mask his crumbling self-control.

Her body was hot and the air smelled sweet and zapping tingles suddenly ran up his spine. It was heavenly, the kind of feeling you get when you stroll down the beach during sunset, peerless, ethereal. She was so warm and kissable in his arms, her face had turned a lovely pink and Sehun wanted to tame the heat of her flushed cheeks, to feel her melt under his caress. He was starting to feel his own body heat up with her snugly against his chest and the arousal was unstoppable. He hoped she'd just stay there in his arms forever. But the euphoric moment didn't last long.

"I'm sorry."

She mumbled and stirred in his arms, recovering from her paralysis. Sehun let her go gently as she stumbled around to stand up straight.

Then she turned on the spot and walked out.


He grabbed her without thinking. She looked flustered as he spun her around to face him but she remained utterly frozen for a long while, before her eyes landed on his hand, the one that was holding onto her arm. Sehun let go of her arm and took a step back.

"I am so sorry, I just –" He shook his head, upset at himself for his indiscretion. "I didn't mean to scare you."

The girl also shook her head, "That's okay."

For some reason she looked determined to get away from him. Sehun was hurt by her expression. He didn't understand why she was acting so strangely. It was almost as if there was something irrevocably wrong with him, and she just didn't want to be near him for even a second longer.

Refusing to believe this observation, Sehun quickly tried to find a topic to start a conversation with her.

"Were you going to buy this doll? It's cute."

He smiled and picked up the pink doll she was looking at.

The girl was frowning, her hands clenched into fists by her sides, but even with this frustrated expression, she looked astonishingly beautiful. Sehun was so unsure of the whole encounter with this girl. It didn't even seem real. Something about her was like magic and he had to try hard not to stutter when he was talking to her.

The naturalness of her beauty was taking his breath away.

"Yeah." She finally answered, then realizing her mistake she quickly corrected, "Oh no, no, no, I wasn't going to buy it, I was just looking at it."

Sehun watched her cheeks turn scarlet.

"I got you." He said quietly. "You can pay me back at school. Or maybe you can just let me buy it for you to save the trouble."

She shook her head immediately. Then all of a sudden she took a step toward him and grabbed the doll from his hand. It took Sehun completely by surprise. He stood there dumbstruck as he watched her hurry to the counter and take out her wallet.

"Thank you. You can keep the change, sir." She finished paying and ducked her head as she walked past Sehun hastily, out toward the door. Sehun couldn't stop himself.

"Wait, please."

He grabbed her wrist. He knew this was desperate but he wasn't thinking anymore. He didn't want this girl out of his sight.

"I'm very sorry if I have offended you in any way, it was never my intention."

Sehun pledged, ignoring her attempts at tugging her hand away.

"I just wanted to help." He pleaded.

"I'm not offended. I just – I really have to get going."

She finally looked up into his eyes.

Sehun was lost the instant her eyes met his. His brain emptied. He just lost all words and everything spun backward. He gazed at her without blinking, in silence, until he felt a sudden coldness and realized her hand had slipped away.

"It was . . . nice to meet you."

She gave him a nod and sped out the store. Sehun watched in despair as she disappeared from his sight and the whole world went back to him.

What – just – happened?

The dizziness vanished as Sehun realized in horror what she was hiding in her eyes.


She wasn't cold. She wasn't annoyed.

She was disgusted.

Sehun was crushed.

Just what did he do to make her, hate him so?!

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