Chapter 30 part two <3

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"Babe, are you still mad?" Rosy touches my hand. I pull my hand away and tighten it on the steering wheel.

She sighs, "Look Chase, I don't know what, or who you did in your past but it's over now."

"You need to respect me." She leans her head on the window and blows out causing steam from her warm breath.

"I'm sorry, I'm acting like a possessive bitch but I'm just worried-

"Save it, Rosy." My voice was flat and annoyed.

"Chase, think about us." She cries out, "Think about all three of us."

My eye slightly twitched, she always uses the baby as an excuse for begin a bitch. I was tired of her bullshit, tired of her being jealous all the time.

"Are you sure you don't remember her?" Rosy voice was small, but filled with curiosity.

"How many fucking times are you going to ask me that, Rosy?" I pounded on the wheel causing the horn to beep.

She slightly jumps and looks at me, "Chase what the fuck? You're scaring the baby."

She clutches her still flat stomach, and gently strokes it.

"I'm sorry, Rosy." I mumbled. "I-I'm just angry, I can't remember anything."

"She could be the key to gaining my memory back." I added.

She takes my hand and tightly squeezes it. "Hun, I thought you were going to therapy."

"You said it was helping."

I kept my eye gaze forward, all I thought about was Maya. I didn't tell the doctor about this about I had a dream and Maya was in it. She was happy, smiling and laughing we were both happy. I don't know what that dream meant but I'm positive I saw her in it.

"Chase?" Rosy questions me.

I looked towards her. Her green eyes was still visible, and clear in the dim car lights.

"You passed the house, babe." Her face looked worried, and concerned.

I looked around the surroundings, I had miss the exit to the house. I cursed out loud, and reversed in the lane and headed towards the exit.


"Rosy, did you ever visit the doctor?" I loosen my tie and took off my watch.

She shook her head, "I know I'm pregnant, so there's no need."

"But still-

"Chase, I've been vomiting for the past weeks and I've had bad cramps." She yells. "Are you doubting my pregnancy?"

"Rosy breathe." I patted her back, and pulled her into a hug. She cries softly on my shoulder,

"Chase, so is Maya going to be a step mother to our child?" She pulls away and wipes her tears, and looks me in the eye.

"Rosy, like you said it's all in the past." I assured her, and place a loose hair behind her ear. She smiles widely, and pecks me on the lips.

I kiss her back slowly but passionately but something wasn't right. I never felt right kissing Rosy, it felt like as if I was forced to kiss a relative in a sexual way. I told my doctor about this, his only conclusion was I was holding onto someone.

She pulls away, "We can't do anything hardcore because of the baby."

She holds her stomach and walks away. Rosy told me she was pregnant about a week ago she took a test and it says she was three weeks pregnant. Even though, I urge her to get tested at the doctors she resists, and tells me I'm doubting her pregnancy. I sighed, and grabbed a beer from the fridge,

"Chase, don't drink that." I hear Rosy gasped. "I hear its bad influence of the baby."

"What the fuck, Ros-

"Please, don't curse either, Chase." She holds her stomach and pouts, "The baby can hear you."

I put the beer back in the fridge and got some water instead I grabbed my pills. I was tired of this unborn child already, I can't do anything. I can't go clubbing, or anywhere without Rosy calling me up saying the baby can see me or some shit like that.

I went into our room and sat on the bed. I swallow two pills that were prescribe by the doctor, he said I should be able to recover some memories with these. I can't even remember my accident, when I woke up from the coma. My mother, Rosy, Wyatt and my step-father were all there. The thing is I didn't even know Rosy at the time. She has always strangely always appeared by myside she took care of me when I couldn't see, or speak. She was just always there.

I dialed my manager number, "Hey Steve, it me."

"I know." He sounded tired, and his voice was low.

"Can you get me my accident report?" I said lowly so Rosy won't overhear.

"W-what why so suddenly, Chase?" His voice was now awake and confused.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" I asked. "Just get it to me by tomorrow."

"Fine, don't be angry though." He hanged up. Why would I be angry?

"Babe, who are you talking too?" Rosy was in the doorway her hands crossed, and head leaning on the wooden board near the door.

"Just, Steve." I mumbled.

"Oh, really?" She comes closer to the bed eyeing my phone. "Why were you whispering?"

"Or was it, Maya?"

"Rosy, give me a good reason why I would be speaking to Maya at this time of night." I point to the clock that hanged near the bed. It was 1:50 in the morning,

"Because you're curious of your past relationship with her." She smirks, and snatches my phone and scrolls through it.

"Who's this unknown number?" She shows me my phone, she dials it and places it by her ear.

"Hi, this is Chase fiancé." She says. "Mhm, Yes, fiancé."

"May I ask who you might be?" She continues. I couldn't hear because the sounds were muffled on the other end.

"Police department?" Her eyebrow scrunches up. I grabbed the phone from her,

"Hello?" I say, giving Rosy a glare.

"Are you Chase?" A man said on the other line.

"Babe, put it on speaker phone." Rosy says fairly loudly.

"Yes, I am." I ignored her.

"Well, we got a call saying you would like to see your report." He coughs. "You can stop by anytime tomorrow."

"Thank you." I hanged the phone up.

"What the hell, Rosy?" I yell at her. "Can you stop being so nosey?"

She crosses her arms and huffs. "No, Chase can you stop being so secretive?"

"Why do you need to go the police, hmm?" She questions me. "Did you cause some trouble I don't know of?"

I was tired of her, I got up and put on my jacket.

"Chase, I'm sorry." I hear her call out from the door. "Don't leave, Honey."

I grabbed my keys and left she was to controlling, and selfish. I couldn't sleep there, I drove towards the nearest hotel.

My mind suddenly ran to Maya. I wanted to ask her questions, I wanted to know who I was. I wanted to remember her.

Maya Peirce, who are you?


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