Chapter Two

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The next day at school, I was terrified to see my peers. Only Alfred had seen me freak out, but he was popular, and probably told everyone. Slowly, I walked to the courtyard in front of the school. "Arthur," Came a lower voice, with a slight French accent. I turned, and saw Francis Bonnefoy.

"W-What do you want, Frog?" I said, no real venom in my voice.

"I heard what happened yesterday from Alfred. What's your side of the story?" He asked me. Forever the journalist.

"I...It's none of your business!" I said, and tried to walk away when he pulled me back. He had a look of worry and concern in his eyes.

"Arthur, please tell me," He said.

"Yeah, Artie! Tell him!" Oliver said. "Tell him how messed up in the head you are!" He cheered me on.

"You don't have to tell him if you don't want to, Arthur," Said a delicate voice. One of my fairies, Marybell.

"...Why do you care, Francis? We haven't even looked at each other since 6th grade," I said.

"I know, but...I really am worried for you," His voice was slightly hesitant as he spoke.

"...Fine. You wanna know how insane I am?" I asked, as Oliver cheered loudly. "I see things no one else can, I hear voices speak to me when I'm all alone, and I watched Alfred die yesterday because of a bastard named Oliver," I said, frowning.

"So have schizophrenia?" Francis asked me. Slowly and hesitantly, I nodded.

"Why didn't you just tell me instead of pushing me away?" He asked.

"Because...I don't know what's real, and what isn't. I wouldn't know if you're actually there, or just something my messed up brain came up with. I don't even know if you're really here right now," I sighed as Oliver was laughing at me. Again.

"I still would've helped you. And I can assure you, I'm real," He smiled at me. "Can we please be friends again?"


"Oui," He smiled at me.

"Um..." I snuck a glance at Oliver who was smirking at me.

"You're never gonna have a peaceful moment with him," Oliver giggled, trying to deter me from having anyone.

"Sure. Friends," I smiled slightly, ignoring Oliver, who's face turned bright red with fury as he disappeared.

During class, my thoughts stayed on Francis, while Oliver kept saying that he didn't really care about me, that I should just slit my wrists, and other awful things. I kept calm and ignored him though. I was never going to self harm, no matter what that stupid freckle-faced loser said. "But Arthur, why not? Maybe it'll make you feel better!" He said. I scowled and continued to draw and do work at the same time. "Arthur? Are you even listening??" I ignored him. "Arthur! Acknowledge me!" He whined. I kept ignoring him. He kept whining and trying to get me to look at him. "Ugh! That stupid Francis guy is stealing your attention!" He cried. I stiffened. "Oh...a weakspot~!" He trilled. I groaned softly as I continued my work. Oliver is such a jerk. " don't like him, do you?" He asked me smirking.
"No," I whispered.
"He speaks!" Oliver giggled. I sighed as I kept drawing. It was a doodle of Marybell. My sweetest hallucination. She was the exact opposite of Oliver. She wanted me to be happy.
"Oliver! Go!" I heard her shout.
"Now!!" She shouted at him, and he disappeared. I looked at her and smiled. She was the best. "That's a great drawing, Arthur!" She smiled and twirled around.
I nodded in thanks, a smile on my face as I continued.

Later that day, Francis walked up to me during Lunch. "Bonjour," he smiled. "Would you like to sit with me and my friends?" He asked.
"Arthur, you should. Oliver isn't here to scare you," Marybell smiled.
"Sure. Sounds fun," I said, and gave him a small smile.
"Tres magnifique!" He grinned, and grabbed my wrist.
"Frog! What are you doing?!" I cried as I was pulled through the crowded cafeteria.
"Calm down, rosbif!" He laughed as he pulled me to a table with a few other boys and girls.

"Everyone, this is Arthur."

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