Chapter Five

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I woke up and spoke with everyone an hour later. It's was around 2 PM by then. Francis was the one to notice. I saw that he had an ice pack on his cheek. He was the one I hit. I instantly felt regret. "I'm...sorry..." I said softly when he walked over.
"It's fine, Arthur...was it Oliver?" He asked.
I nodded. "I saw someone new too...Oliver said his name was François..." I sniffed, then looked at my mom.
"Arthur...what exactly happened?" She asked, a worried look on her face.
I explained everything, even the part about Francis asking me out.
I looked around. I had just confessed about my schizophrenia in front of all my new friends. Francis grabbed my hand and have everyone a stern look, as if to say if they had anything to say that was bad, he'd beat them.
"Oliver again...he's getting worse, honey..." My mom whispered to my dad.
"Is...that why you flipped? You have schizophrenia?" Alfred spoke up, and I saw his brother was curious too.
"Y-yeah...I do..." I looked at my lap, and held Francis's hand.
"I...have it too..." Lukas, the Norwegian transfer, said.
"He thinks I might as well," his brother, Emil, agreed.
"...Arthur, do you see only scary things?" Elizabeta spoke up.
"Liz, n-" Gilbert began, but I interrupted.
"No. I see happy stuff too. Like right now. A unicorn is with Felix, and a flying mint bunny is sitting on the edge of my bed. Also, there's one fairy named Marybell. She's flying right above you," I smiled slightly.
"Oh.," Eliza smiled.
"Wait, a unicorn?" Felix grinned. "Where is he? I wanna, like, pet him!" I smiled at him, and pointed to the unicorn.
"It's a girl though," I laughed.
"Oh! That's totally awesome!" And Felix began to pet the unicorn happily.
Eventually, the nurse kicked everyone but my mom, dad, and Francis, who was being very stubborn, out, and I fell asleep again.

When I went back to school on Tuesday, my friends made sure everyone left me alone. Well, all the people they could see that is. Oliver was still pestering me, and now he had a friend. The man I saw before I passed out. François. He looked like Francis, but his eyes were a deeper shade of blue, his hair was messy, and his beard had grown a lot messier. He also had horrible bags under his eyes, and a cigarette always between his teeth. I hated him even more that Oliver. It wasn't that he was as over-excited, it was that he hated everyone and everything. He reminded me of everything that was wrong in the world. He told me that love wasn't real. Worst of all, he made me doubt Francis. "He never really loved you, you know. He's probably just doing what I do. Using you for sex," he would mumble. Whenever he did, I would find Francis, and give him a hug. Not in front of anyone of course, but...I just needed the real, and good Francis to be there. I needed to know he was real. I needed to know he actually liked me, and didn't want me just for sex. Not that we had even had sex yet though. I'm honestly not sure why François bugged me so much. I suppose...his voice was just too similar to Francis's sweet voice. It was uncanny.
Oliver had taken a liking to François though. He had obviously fallen for him. "François~ I love the way your hair falls~!" He would say. He also would kiss his cheek in front of me. Then came the times when they would french kiss next to me. François never seemed interested, but was more using Oliver.

But that's all in my head, right?

(A/N; I'm sorry they has taken so long! I've had finals, and I'm running out of ideas! But...maybe I'll add in smut or something close for you guys, cuz you're all so awesome. It'll be short though...anyway. If you have any ideas for how the story could progress, please, don't be scared to share them!)

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