Chapter Three

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"Everyone, this is Arthur!"

Everyone at the table looked up at me. I recognized Antonio Carriedo, Gilbert Belischmidt, Elizabeta Herdevary, and a few others from before I pulled away from everyone. Then...I realized Alfred was there. I smiled slightly but I was worried about what he would say. "Arthur? Why did you freak out at me?!" He asked me in his loud, annoying way.
"He was worried about time, so he had to run home!" Francis covered for me.
"...uh. Yeah. That's what happened," I said. "Sorry about that."
"Please, I think they should all know how insane you are, Arthur, that way no one will ever talk to you again~!" Oliver sang, and I inwardly groaned.
"Oh, well, it's okay then, dude," Alfred said, still not entirely believing me.
"Anyway! Let's all" Francis suggested as he and I sat down.
"Good idea, amigo!" Antonio smiled as he opened a brown paper bag. "I have a tomato sandwich and bell peppers from Spain!" He smiled.
"Tomatoes? Ugh. Those are only "okay," bastard," a boy with olive skin, and hazel eyes piped up. "I don't see why you love them," he scowled.
"But Lovi~!!" Antonio said, almost as if he was begging.
"Don't you 'but lovi' me, Shitface!! Or I'll strangle you with pasta!" He shouted. I chuckled and Oliver grinned.
"I like him!" The freckled faced loser grinned.
"They're not a couple yet, but it's obvious they like each other. But don't tell Lovino that. He'll try to punch you," Francis whispered to me. I nodded, then looked at Gilbert, the next to talk.
"Well, I brought...damn it! Ludwig stole my food," he said.
"Serves you right, Gil!" Elizabeta said to him.
"What the hell did I do?!" He asked.
"What about them? Are they a couple?" I whispered to Francis, who shook his head.
"Non, not yet anyway. Though, Eliza is torn between Rodrich, the boy her family likes, and Gilbert, the boy she actually likes. Even if she does threaten to hit him with a frying pan," he snickered.
"She sounds fun too~!!" Oliver said. I swear, I wanted to punch that asshole. Or maybe I could ask Lovino to teach me how to strangle people with pasta.
"Well, I like, totally forgot my lunch! So, you should totally give me some of yours, Toris!" A blonde...boy? Wearing a pink skirt said.
"But...Feliks! You should've just remembered or bought your own!" The other boy, Toris, argued.
"We think Feliks is trans, but he claims that he just likes skirts. Toris is his neighbor, best friend, and boyfriend," Francis explained.
"They're weird, though, I think that Feliks kid would appreciate my style. Unlike you!" Oliver shouted at me, and I visibly winced.
"Arthur, what did you bring?" Antonio asked me as Lovino pulled his hair.
"J-just a peanut butter sandwich, a travel cup of tea, and some scones made by my mum," I mumbled. I still wasn't used to people talking to me.
"What's a scone?" Gilbert asked me, a stupid look on his face.
"I-it's like a biscuit," I explained.
"Why are you talking? They don't care!" Oliver kept shouting at me.
"Can I try it?" Francis, Antonio, and Gilbert said to me.
"I-I think I have," I smiled. Oliver scowled and disappeared while Marybell took his place.
"I'm glad you're making friends, Arthur!" She smiled and flew around my head. I smiled as well, as I pulled out my food. I quickly handed out three of the scones, and then began eating my sandwich.
Then, Gilbert started coughing. "What the hell is this?! It's like a stone!!"
"Huh? T-the scones?" I asked and stared at him.
"Oui...Je suis desole, Arthur, but these are rock hard!"
"Mines completely charred..."
"W-what??" I questioned, then stared at the scones. They weren't my mums. They were mine. The failed batch that I made.
"I-I'm sorry! That's the batch I made!!" I frowned and tried to take them all back, while Oliver reappeared.
"Aw, Icky-Artie-kuns is gonna cry!!!" He snickered.
I took every scone back, and shoved them in my bag. "I-I'm so sorry," I apologized, and looked at the table.
"Go ahead and cry, Artie~! You big baby!" Oliver teased me.
"Arthur, it's fine. It wasn't that bad!" Francis insisted.
"Ja! I-it was fine!" Gilbert agreed, while Antonio nodded.
"N-bo, they weren't. You don't have to lie to me, even if I am crazy..." I said, then covered my mouth realizing what I said.
"You're not crazy..." Antonio piped up.
"Crazy?" Gilbert questioned.
"Arthur, you're not that crazy," Alfred spoke up. "I mean, it was weird the way you freaked yesterday, but that doesn't mean you're insane," he said.
"Oui. They're right, Arthur," Francis smiled sweetly at me.
"I-I...thank you," I smiled slightly.
"No! He is crazy! He sees me!!!" Oliver shouted, making me wince again. He was too loud!
"Are you okay, Arthur???" Francis asked, now worried because of my wince.
I nodded silently, while Oliver screamed at me. There is no way I can keep this up.

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