Barry: HEYYY!!! PEOPLE!!! What's up! Barry here and we are going to play a game called "By the Power of Shuffle!" WOOOOOO!!!
Bianca: For this game, we will ask questions to the Pokemon Peeps based on the song they got by the power of shuffle.
Barry: YAY! And this time...there's no lying!!! I got my truth serum with me!
Bianca: Yup. Plus Scatter sent us a lie detector.
Bianca: For the order...we will be using a randomizer to select whose list we're using. By list, we mean their list for CPCQ.
Barry: AHA! We'll be using Gary's list! Let's get started with Clemont!!!
Clemont: What are you guys gonna ask me?
Bianca: Just push the red button to use the power of shuffle! Yay!
Barry: Ok...your song will be...Good Enough by Little Mix.
Clemont: Uh...okay.
Bianca: Aha! I found the perfect line from the song!
You stole the love that I saved for myself, and I watched you give it to somebody else.
Clemont: Uh...what about that line?
Barry: Who do you think of when you hear that line?!?!
Clemont: What?
Bianca: No lying, Clemont. After all...we have the lie detector. Oh...and the answering booth is soundproof, so only the readers and us can hear you.
Clemont: Okay...Serena.
Barry: OMG!
Bianca: Why Serena?
Clemont: Well...uh...I like her...but she likes Ash.
Barry: OOH! Lie detector says he's saying the truth! Thank you, Clemont!
Clemont: I can't believe I just said that. *goes back to his seat*
Bianca: Next up on the list...we have May!
May: Oh no.
Barry: Get over here, May!
Bianca: Your song is Finally Falling by Victoria Justice and Avan Jogia!
Barry: Hey! That's from Victorious! I love that show!
Bianca: Me too!!!
May: question?
Barry: Here we go...okay...the question will not be a direct lyric. We just have a simple question.
Bianca: Who are you finally falling for?
May: Uh...someone.
Barry: May Maple, we have a truth serum.
May: rival.
Bianca: What?! Harley?! EW!
May: What?! NO! Gross! I meant Drew!
Barry: I knew it!
Bianca: Thanks, May.
May: I can't believe this *goes back to seat*
Barry: Gary, you're next!
Gary: Yo.
Bianca: Hey, Gary. So...your song will be Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield.
Barry: It's not a love song.
Gary: I still love my Leafy babe.
Bianca: Anyway...your question is...what is still unwritten in your book that is called life?
Stuck With Them Pokemon Peeps
RandomWelcome to do the crazy universe known as the Elemenoverse. Join Milani and the Pokémon Peeps in their crazy lives. They mostly play random games here. Yay. FUN. The first few parts are kinda eh. I apologize.