Doing Requests (CPCQ)

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Gary: Let's do this.

Ash: CPCQ time!

Drew: Hooray.

Paul: Let's just get this over with.

Jace: Cake.

Gary: Today we are doing the questions sent by the readers via the CPCQ book.

Ash: Let's get busy!

Drew: You sound just like Lilian.

Gary: First, would I rather have Dawn locked in her room forever or have Ritchie all of my food.

Ash: Would Ritchie really eat all your food?

Gary: Maybe. Hmm...I'll go with...Ritchie eating all of my food.

Jace: So nice of you.

Gary: Come on. Dawn doesn't deserve to be locked up.

Ash: #Cavaliershipping

Paul: What?

Ash: Nothing.

Drew: Paul locked in his room forever or have Misty eat all of my food.

Paul: Don't you dare lock me up.

Drew: Fine. Misty can eat all of my food. I'm just gonna buy more food at the store.

Ash: Ritchie locked in his room forever or have Bonnie eat all of my food. I'd go mad if someone ate all my food, but I don't want to have a friend locked up.

Gary: What a dilemma for you, Ashy-boy.

Ash: Fine...I'll go with Bonnie eating my food.

Paul: Conway locked in his room forever or have Zoey eat all of my food. Lock Conway in his room forever.

Ash: Really? You're mean.

Gary: He's Paul. What do you expect?

Paul: Yep.

Gary: You don't know what he's gonna be doing in his room.

Paul: He'll be locked up. FOREVER. He'll leave Dawn alone.

Gary: Or will he? He might have a picture of Dawn or he has a surveillance camera to track her down every second.

Paul: So? He's still not with her physically.

Gary: If he has a surveillance camera on Dawn, as in a mobile one that would follow her every step, it would be creepy. He'll see everything she does.

Paul: Your imagination has no limits, Gary. You're thinking way over the top.

Gary: You don't know what he's capable of.

Jace: Have myself locked in my room forever or have James eat all of my food. FINE. He can eat my food.

Drew: Even your cake?

Jace: I can just bake more cake.

Gary: NEXT! Get married to Mrs. Ketchum or get killed by Jessie. Uh...

Ash: Yikes.

Drew: Tough.

Gary: Hey, Ashy-boy.

Ash: What?



Paul: This is awkward.

Drew: I'm not even gonna hashtag KidnextdoorShipping.

Ash: I don't want him to be my daddy.

Jace: It's only a game, Ash.

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