chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Arjun sat on the couch, his head in his hands, his fingers tangling in his hair in frustration. Kavya watched him, concern etched on her face. She sat down next to him and gently placed a hand on his back.

Arjun looked up at her, his eyes filled with tears. "Kavya, I can't take this anymore. I have no job, I can't depend on my savings forever. We have a baby on the way, and we need to pay for the operation. I feel like such a failure," he choked out.

Kavya's heart broke at the sight of Arjun, so vulnerable and broken. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. "Arjun, you are not a failure. We will figure this out together. Please don't lose hope," she whispered, her voice filled with love and determination.

Arjun buried his face in Kavya's shoulder, h is body shaking with sobs. Kavya held him tight, offering him comfort and support. They sat like that for a long time, finding solace in each other's presence.

Arjun’s heart felt like it was being crushed under the weight of his overwhelming stress. The weight of responsibility was suffocating him, and he couldn't keep it all bottled up any longer.

"Kavya, I... I don't know what to do. I have no job and no income. I've let everyone down. I'm a nothing than failure," Arjun's voice trembled with emotion as tears streamed down his face.

Kavya's eyes filled with tears at the sight of Arjun's vulnerability. Her heart shattered into a thousand pieces seeing the man she loved, broken and defeated. She reached out and held his face in her hands, gently wiping away his tears.

"Arjun,  stop saying yourself a failure, you are not, you are strong, determined, and capable of overcoming any obstacle. We will get through this together, I promise," Kavya's voice quivered with emotion as she spoke, her tears threatening to spill.

Arjun shook his head, the weight of his struggles pressing down on him like a ton of bricks. "I don't know how Kavya. I feel like everything is slipping out of my grasp. I don't want to let you down, to let our child down," he whispered, his voice filled with despair.

Kavya pulled Arjun into a tight embrace, holding him close as they both wept in each other's arms. The room was filled with the echoes of their pain and fear, a heartbreaking symphony of raw emotion.

Kavya gently wrapped her arms around Arjun, feeling the weight of his sorrow in every tense muscle of his body. She could sense the despair that engulfed him, drowning out the vibrant, ambitious Arjun she once knew.

"Arjun, remember the days when you were unstoppable? When you defied the odds and conquered every challenge that came your way? That fire in you, that drive for success and victory, it's still inside you," Kavya whispered, her voice filled with conviction.

  With tears glistening in her eyes, she continued, "You have the strength within you to overcome this darkness, to rise above the pain and disappointment. You have a fighter's spirit, Arjun, and nothing can extinguish that."

Arjun's gaze met Kavya's and in that moment, she saw a flicker of the old Arjun. The spark of determination and confidence that she had missed for so long.

"I still remember when politicians were making issues on business how you should handle it, they get scared of know how to do you work by hook or crook"

Encouraged by her words, Arjun felt a surge of energy coursing through him. The memories of his past successes, the feeling of invincibility, it all came rushing back. With newfound resolve, he stood up straight, his eyes gleaming with determination.

As Kavya watched Arjun's eyes lit up with renewed determination and drive. The spark that had been missing for so long was finally back in his eyes, and she knew that the old Arjun was back.

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