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Severa put her hand over her shoulder. It was so embarrassing to get a wound from attacking such a small group of bandits. She marched shamefully to the medical tent, hoping no one would be there. When she entered the tent, she saw a familiar figure.

"Hey, Sev," greeted her acquaintance, Brady. He was searching through a bag of medical goods on the ground.

Just my luck, Severa thought. Her grip on her arm tightened. Despite her shame, she managed to mutter a "hey" in response.

"What do ya need?" Brady asked.

Severa took her hand off her shoulder. It was inevitable now.

"I just need a bandage or something for this wound."

Brady looked up and raised an eyebrow. "I can help you with that if ya need me too."

It's already bad enough that I have this stupid wound, but having someone help is out of the question.

"It's fine. I can do this by myself," she responded in a firm tone.

Brady shrugged. "Alright. You'll need this, though."

He handed her a roll of bandages. Severa took it.


She sat down on one of the beds in the tent and tried to bandage herself in silence. The wound was on her dominant arm- her right- making it even more difficult. She fumbled with the bandages for a bit before letting out an irritated sigh.

Brady looked up at her. "You okay, Sev?"

Severa shot him a glance. "I'm fine."

He chuckled and responded with, "Doesn't sound like it."

"Ugh. Look, it's just hard because it's on my other arm."

"Here, I'll help ya."

Brady sat next to her and grabbed the bandages, much to Severa's annoyance. He started wrapping it around her wound.

"So, what happened?" he asked.

Severa let out an annoyed sigh. "I was just getting rid of a couple of bandits, okay?"

"Calm down-"

"But I know what you're going to say! You're going to say, 'Why did you get such a bad wound from a couple of bandits? Why can't you be like your mother?"

Brady sniffed. "I was going to say that..."

Damn it!

"B-Brady, I'm sorry-"

"It's fine..." He wiped his cheek and finished wrapping the bandage around her arm.

"So, um, what were you going to say?..." she asked shyly.

"I was just going to say that it was pretty brave of you to take out those bandits on your own. I can't fight at all..."

Severa felt her cheeks get warm, but maintained a scowl. "Thanks... for that and for putting on the bandage..."

"No problem, Sev."


(AN: I love writing tsunderes~

Anyways, I'm going to go hide now. Bye.)

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