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(More Severa and Brady because we all love these two dorks. If you don't, then you're just in denial.)


Brady squinted at the book.

"Er, the rain in Spain- Aw, to hell with this!"

He threw the book down in frustration.

"What's with all the yelling?!" Sounded an irritated voice. Brady looked up. Severa, of course, was standing right there.

He jumped back in surprise. "E-er, sorry, Sev. I was practicin' diction or somethin' or other."

"Why?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Ma wants me to learn."

Severa gave him a certain look. It wasn't her usual irritated, but determination? "Do you want to learn?"

"Yeah, if it'll make Ma happy."

"Will it make you happy?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Then, I'll help you."

Without warning, she picked up the book and started scanning the contents. "Simple enough. You'll master this by morning."

"Er, okay?"

(AN: I kind of wanted to connect some metaphorical dots here.

Oh yeah and sorry for the errors. I wrote this late at night on a tablet on my bed.)

Fire Emblem: Awakening One-Shot Book [CANCELLED]Where stories live. Discover now