Tom had rarely seen Hermione openly show her fear. Maybe it was his presence that had always caused her walls to rise so high he couldn't see beyond them - in fact, this was the most likely scenario given their history, now that he thought about it.
But seeing her shaking body held by her old Hogwarts Professor, Tom couldn't help but feel a little off balance. This was not some small journey across the pond, but a vast stormy ocean that awaited them all.
And Tom wouldn't even be with her when they faced it.
He sent a scathing look at the Malfoy boy who had taken Hermione from him in Hogsmeade, then moved to follow Harry as he gathered some supplies for their trip.
"My wand, if you please," he requested, open palm outstretched.
Harry looked at Tom. His eyes glanced at Tom's hand before returning to his face.
"You're not getting that wand until absolutely necessary," he said, eyes hard behind his glasses. "I'm not about to risk you ruining our last chance before it's even started."
Tom clenched his jaw. "Need I remind you that your pale friend might not be standing right now if it weren't for me?"
Harry slammed a pack into Tom's chest.
"Need I remind you that the only reason you're still here is because of Hermione," he retorted. "Be grateful I'm allowing you to come at all."
Tom's hand gripped the pack with a tight fist, knuckles turning white. Harry sidestepped him to join Professor McGonagall in grabbing the Sword of Gryffindor.
He followed the pair into a compact room with a small bed and chest of drawers. It was to the drawers that the older witch brought them to. She bent down to the bottom drawer and pulled out a faded old box labeled Student Contraband. Inside were several items: a package with the words Skiving Snackbox scrawled across in bright lettering, a strange toy of a woman clad in pink, a Quill that seemed to have written by itself all over the inside of the box, and a yo-yo on which Tom could barely make out the word "screaming".
"You kept all these?" Harry asked in astonishment.
Professor McGonagall shook her head with a sad smile. "Those boys were going to be the death of me." She let out a small hum, her eyes lost in reverie.
Then she pulled out the toy.
"An Umbridge on Unicycle!" Harry exclaimed. The two laughed together like old friends as the toy began to shout, "I will have order!"
Tom thought it was a strange thing for a student and teacher to enjoy, but then again there was a lot about Harry Potter and this time that he would never fully understand.
After allowing the toy to wheel about the top of the chest of drawers for a moment, McGonagall picked it up and placed it in her palm.
"You may want to stand back, Mr. Potter," she advised.
Both he and Tom stepped backward, looking at the small toy warily.
Peering through her spectacles, she gave the toy a gentle tap with her wand. The unending declaration of "I really hate children," warped and contorted and stopped altogether as the toy was transfigured into a glorious silver sword.
Even in the dim light of the room it gleamed, the rubies sparkling as if it were a brand new sword held directly in the sunlight.
Harry took it by the hilt with reverence, his face now set in grim determination.
"I'll keep it safe," he assured the witch.
"I trust you will," she said. "If what Miss Granger says is true, this is the only way you'll be able to kill that basilisk while keeping your heads on your shoulders."

Braving the Past
FanficIn the year 1945, Tom Riddle was prepared to begin his reign as the Dark Lord. In 1977, he had accomplished that which he most desired - dominion in the wizarding world and the power to quiet all those who opposed him. In 1998, Hogwarts has fallen...