Hermione's vision only took a moment to right itself, and she tumbled to the ground. She felt the wood from the dock splinter in her palms. When she looked up, Jonathan was gone. She was still on the same docks he had tried to throw her time-turner over, but it somehow looked different. There was more long grass and seaweed growing around the edges and floating in clumps than she remembered.
"Bloody hell," a smooth voice mumbled next to her.
Hermione whipped her head around to see Tom picking himself up from the ground. His gaze was focused on the grounds of Hogwarts, his eyes moving every which way, taking in everything.
"Tom?" Hermione squeaked.
How was he here? If she was correct in her assumptions, she had traveled through time once again.
"Did we just...?" Tom faded out as the realization showed in his eyes.
"Did you grab onto me on purpose?" she accused.
"Oh, so this is what I get for trying to catch you?" he spat. "If you hadn't left well enough alone, that thing wouldn't have been turned in the first place, and we wouldn't be here."
"You really expected me to just let Jonathan throw my only chance of going home into the depths of the lake?" Hermione said incredulously. "How thick are you?"
Tom clenched his jaw in annoyance. "I was trying to help you, Hermione." He began a quick stride from the docks, making his way farther down the grounds. "Now we need to find out what time we're in, and make sure no one sees us."
But Hermione had stopped. "I think I might know." She was staring at a slouched figure that had just emerged from the castle. His long, black greasy hair and crooked nose was a clear sign of who this young boy was.
"What now?" Tom looked at Hermione in annoyance.
Hermione turned from the boy and pushed Tom into a hurried pace once again.
"Come on, we can't let him see us!" she pressed when he slowed his pace curiously.
"You know someone here?"
Hermione grabbed his chin and faced it forward before he could get a good look. "We just need to lay low for a while until the students have all gone back inside."
"We're in the future, aren't we?" Tom guessed.
"Er...a little."
"This Dark Wizard of yours, is he around, then?"
"I - I'm not sure," Hermione lied. And badly, it would seem.
Tom smirked. "Well, let's go meet the man then, shall we?"
"No!" Hermione grabbed Tom's arm before he could take two more steps toward the gates they had approached. "What are you thinking? This man is dangerous!"
"Is this your time?" he wondered.
"Er...no, it's quite a few years before still."
"Then he won't be as bad, so let's - "
"Tom, you imbecile! You're acting as dull as a Blast-Ended Skrewt! This wizard you're so anxious to meet has had two separate uprisings. This is the time of his first, and hundreds of people die, Tom. Hundreds."
"You're afraid of him," Tom said with squinted eyes.
"As should you be," she pressed.
Tom gently moved her hand from his arm. "See, what you don't realize," he began softly, "is that I know who this wizard is."
Hermione's eyes widened. How?
Tom smiled, but his eyes were anything but kind. They were determined. "I'm sure my future self will be thrilled to meet me. I am Lord Voldemort, after all."
But before she could even react, he had sped down the trail like a bullet.
"Tom, stop!" Hermione shouted, racing after him. "Tom! No!"
He cast a spell at the gates, then pried them open. How had he known how to break the enchantments guarding the castle gate? Hermione didn't have time to think about it.
"Please don't!" she cried.
"I'll see you again, Hermione," he said, and then he was gone.
He had apparated away in the blink of an eye. But how could she follow him? How would she know just where he'd thought to go? And what if it led her right into the hands of Voldemort himself?
Hermione tangled her hands in her hair, breathing raggedly. Tom was on his way to find Voldemort.
And together, they could be unstoppable.
《 ▪ 》
Hello everyone! The time has finally come for a new chapter for you all!
Thank you so much to those who have voted and commented. It has all helped me a ton! Just so you all know, I will be changing my updating schedule. It's not all set in stone yet, but I'm hoping to update once a week, either every Tuesday or Thursday. This way I'll have more time to fine tune things and make it all the better for you lovely readers! I know it is a much longer wait, but it'll be worth it, I promise!
I can't believe this story has already hit 5k reads. It's all thanks to you! As always, feel free to leave me any suggestions or feedback, even if it is just to let me know I have a typo ;)
This chapter is dedicated to anadriya for all the uplifting comments!
I love you guys so much!! See you next week!

Braving the Past
FanfictionIn the year 1945, Tom Riddle was prepared to begin his reign as the Dark Lord. In 1977, he had accomplished that which he most desired - dominion in the wizarding world and the power to quiet all those who opposed him. In 1998, Hogwarts has fallen...