Song: Who are you - SVRCINA
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From the squeezing and tugging feeling of apparition to the freeing sensation of being in a new open space, Hermione released a fresh scream.
Her assailant clasped his hands firmly around her middle, holding her arms at her sides. He didn't seem too bothered by her lifting her legs and kicking, but decidedly disapproved of her vocalizations.
"Shut up," he grunted.
Hermione screamed louder.
He most definitely did not like it when she stamped on his foot, nor did he seem to appreciate it when she struggled to lift her hands just enough to gift him a fresh bite on the wrist that held them.
He howled and released her. She immediately whirled around, wand raised and ready to duel. In the dim light of the room he'd brought her to, she couldn't make out the face shadowed beneath the hood. That didn't stop her from giving him a fresh blast.
He blocked it and it flew into the wall, splattering cement.
Back and forth they went, until Hermione could feel him slipping. She could feel herself winning, her freedom just in sight -
A spell hit her unexpectedly from the side, sending her skittering to the floor. Her head smacked against something solid and her vision blurred.
Her wand was snatched up and placed safely in the dark robes of her kidnapper. Hermione was hauled up by someone she hadn't realized was even there, and she was plopped into a soft padded chair. As rope wove itself around her wrists, tying her to the armrests, she groggily took note that her head had connected with the wooden post of a four-poster bed.
The rope had just finished knotting when she tugged at them. Her eyes followed the sleek black shoes standing in front of her to the pale hand relaxed around a wand that was pointed at the ground. She followed the hands as they then reached up and dropped the hood.
Hermione stared wide-eyed at the man in front of her, a look on his slim face she had never seen before.
"Malfoy," she breathed.
"Hello, Granger," Draco Malfoy said, his eyes alight.
Hermione promptly lost all unconsciousness, her head slumping forward onto her chest.
Hermione wasn't given much time in blissful darkness before fingers were grasping her chin.
"Granger, wake up."
Her mind awoke to a splitting headache originating from a particular spot she was sure would have a large bump soon. What little light was in the room was blinding, and she closed her blurry eyes to take back...
"Hey, no, stay here."
Her cheek was tapped, her chin prodded upward, and her eyes forced open. She peeked at the strange face in front of her. He had aged somewhat, but there was a look that she was sure had never occupied his face before.
"Malfoy...what do you...want with me?" Hermione slurred. Her dry tongue kept sticking to the roof of her mouth.
His face took on an edge of relief and he released her chin, sitting back on his heels.
"I thought I'd lost you for a moment, there," he said.
"Why would you care? You brought me here to torture me anyway."

Braving the Past
FanficIn the year 1945, Tom Riddle was prepared to begin his reign as the Dark Lord. In 1977, he had accomplished that which he most desired - dominion in the wizarding world and the power to quiet all those who opposed him. In 1998, Hogwarts has fallen...