Chapter 16: It's All About Trust

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Hermione was muggle born.

But why didn't that make Tom angry? He should hate her. He should yell and torment and discriminate her.

So why didn't he? He would have a month ago. Muggles were horrible, selfish people. That much he had gathered from his father. What made Hermione so different?

He was falling for her, that's what.

He didn't even think he was capable of such feelings. Was this real, or was it some kind of strange obsession?

Tom still wasn't sure what to make of it the next morning when he and Hermione received a letter from Headmaster Dippet. He wanted them to tell him everything that occurred the previous day, and Dumbledore would be there to help decide what to do with the werewolf.

"Hermione, are you ready?" Tom called through her bedroom door. She seemed to be putting this off as long as possible. "We've got to leave now or we'll be late."

The door opened to reveal Hermione's solemn face. She looked like she hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep.

"Let's get this over with," she sighed, rubbing her eyes. Tom nodded and together they walked in silence to the Headmaster's office.

"Ah, do come in, Mr. Riddle, Miss Granger," Professor Dippet said once they appeared in his open doorway. Dumbledore stood near his desk and Hermione went to stand just a few paces from him, her shoulders relaxing slightly. Perhaps she hadn't been lying when she said she had known him before her time here at Hogwarts.

The office was devoid of the man who had attacked Hermione, thankfully.

"I understand yesterday was a trying day for the both of you," Professor Dippet began. "You handled yourselves incredibly well. But as you must know, both I and the Ministry would like to know exactly who that man is and how he found his way into such a protected school such as this?"

"He's a supporter of Grindelwald, sir," Hermione spoke.

"And you know this how? Have you encountered him in the past?"

"He was with the party that attacked my home. I almost didn't escape because of him." Hermione's face had paled as she spoke.

"Sir," Tom said. The Headmaster turned his eyes from Hermione. "If I may ask, what do you plan to do with him? Clearly he is incredibly dangerous and should be dealt with accordingly."

"That matter is currently undecided, Tom, but I have no doubts the Ministry will agree to sentence him to time in Azkaban." Professor Dippet replied. "Do either of you happen to know the name of this man?"

Tom saw Hermione's eyes dart nervously to Dumbledore. He shook his head minutely at her before turning his gaze back to Professor Dippet.

"I'm sorry, but I don't," Hermione said.

"Not to worry, child," Professor Dippet smiled kindly. He was always so gullible. "I can assure you that no more harm will come to you at the hands of another Dark Arts supporter."

This grated on Tom. He couldn't know the possibilities of each day. That werewolf practically appeared out of nowhere, having been trapped in the Room of Hidden Things for who knew how long. How he even got there, Tom didn't know, but he had a feeling Hermione did.

After asking them a few more questions, Professor Dippet excused the two students. Hermione shared a look with Dumbledore that Tom couldn't quite place before walking out. Perhaps they were going to talk about what really happened later.

Tom intended to be there when they did, whether or not they knew about it.

"That wasn't so bad," he commented once they'd reached the bottom of the spiral stairs.

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