Chapter 11: Her Annoying Slytherin Roommate

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Hermione didn't wake up until past noon, having slept the best she had since the battle. When her eyes opened, she stared blankly at the sheets, her eyes soon moving to the arm stretched out in front of her. The scratches Fenrir Greyback had given her were red as ever, Madam Richter's bindings having come off in her transformation. Her fingers gingerly traced the old letters underneath, thinking about the way she had heard Ron banging in the cellar underneath.

She pushed her thoughts away from him, forcing herself to sit up. Her whole body ached in protest. She slowly opened the door from Tom's room, peeking an eye out. She didn't see anyone, so she stepped fully out and made her way to lay on the couch in front of the warm fire. She stopped in her tracks upon seeing that it was already occupied by Tom. She was surprised that he had slept in as late as her. There was no way he'd been up all night like her, it wasn't possible for him to be caring at all.

"Did you want to sit here or were you just enjoying the view?"

Hermione jumped at Tom's voice, coming from her thoughts to see that his eyes were open and he had seen her staring.

"Sor – " She broke off, coughing. Her voice felt and sounded gravelly as if there were giant rocks inside. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

After a beat of silence, she turned to head into the bathroom.

"I didn't say you had to leave," Tom called out after her.

"I might as well get ready and go to the rest of my classes," Hermione said without looking back. "And you should do the same."

"We were up all night, I think we deserve a day to rest."

Hermione turned around at this. "We? I don't remember you turning into a werewolf and destroying your bedroom."

"No, you only tried to maul me when I went to help," Tom replied dryly.

Hermione's eyes widened at this. "You followed me? Why would you do something so stupid!"

Tom looked quite taken by surprise at this. "Hermione, I helped you. Dumbledore and I stayed up the whole night with you after forcing a potion down your throat."

"So I've got you to thank for the extra bruises, do I? As if I needed more scars to add to the ones I've got." As an afterthought, she added, "And it's Professor Dumbledore."

Hermione felt bad being so rude to him, but she just couldn't imagine Tom Riddle doing something like that, and the only way she could cope was by pushing him away before he tried to use this as an excuse to get her past out of her.

Tom didn't look at all put out, though, much to Hermione's surprise. "Yeah, I saw your arm," he said softly. He had to be faking it. Tom Riddle never used a caring voice for anything but manipulation.

"That's none of your business." Hermione whipped back around and strode into the bathroom before he could answer.

After showering – Hermione found numerous twigs in her hair and dirt all over her body – and covering her bruises as best she could, she tried to rush past Tom. He stopped her by grabbing a hold of her robes.

"What?" she snapped.

"I want you to know that I'm sorry, and I'm here for you if you ever need someone," he said. Hermione's mind was reeling, trying to figure out if he was faking or not. "No one should ever have to go through something like that, and I promise I won't tell anyone."

She pulled her robes out of his grasp and walked through the portrait hole without a word. This just didn't make sense. He had to be making fun of her or something. This was just another one of his ploys to find out where she came from.

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