Hermione sucked in a tight breath, sending a large amount of glee through Tom. He just loved messing with her, and would have to remember to thank Abraxas later for his perfect setup.
"I could argue that Abraxas is much more experienced than you, given your history - or lack of - with women," Hermione replied once she'd gathered herself.
Tom's eyebrows shot up as Abraxas failed to hold in his snicker.
"Excuse me?"
"I'd rather not."
Tom tried to keep his teeth from clenching. "Come inside, Hermione."
Instead she turned to face his knight once again.
"Thank you ever so much for accompanying me back to my dormitory, Abraxas," she said smoothly. "If you ever find yourself around these halls again, I should like to think you'd help a poor girl out."
"Oh, I will always be around to show you to your classes," Abraxas answered almost seductively. "I could never leave a beautiful girl like you alone in this dangerous castle."
Hermione walked closer to the tall boy with her head tilted slightly to the side. Tom watched on, anger beginning to roll off him in waves. What was she playing at?
She gripped his Slytherin tie with a soft, tan hand and pulled softly. Once Abraxas had bent down, she lifted her head up and placed a long kiss on his cheek. The Malfoy tried to look apologetic towards Tom, but he could tell Abraxas was enjoying it. Who wouldn't?
Hermione slowly pulled away while Tom bit into his bottom lip roughly. He tasted blood.
"Good night, Mr. Malfoy."
"Good night, Miss Granger," he replied, looking slightly flushed.
Hermione whirled around and walked through the portrait hole, passing Tom triumphantly.
"I'll speak with you later," Tom hissed before closing the portrait on Malfoy.
"What was that?" he yelled, rounding on Hermione.
She didn't look surprised in the slightest, turning around coolly to face him.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did you not mean for your knights to court me when you ordered them to never give me a moment's peace?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Please, Tom, don't tell me you thought me daft enough to actually believe they all truly wanted to be my friend!" Hermione said angrily.
"Malfoy seems to enjoy your company easily enough," Tom countered.
"You really think so? Maybe I'll just let him know I'm interested then, and get it over with."
"If you so much as go near him again, I will find a way to make you both pay," Tom growled.
"I thought you wanted us all to get closer? Have some House Unity, perhaps?" Hermione folded her arms. "Tell me what the game is, Tom."
"Is it too much to want you to have extra friends, and to feel more welcome here?"
"It is when you force that friendship the way you have been, now tell me the truth!"
Tom stayed silent.
Hermione narrowed her eyes. "Fine. Be sure to let Abraxas know that I'll expect him to escort me to breakfast tomorrow."
She turned to stomp to her room, but Tom suddenly rushed forward and seized her unscarred wrist.
"What is it about him that you like so much?" he questioned.

Braving the Past
FanficIn the year 1945, Tom Riddle was prepared to begin his reign as the Dark Lord. In 1977, he had accomplished that which he most desired - dominion in the wizarding world and the power to quiet all those who opposed him. In 1998, Hogwarts has fallen...