Chapter 25: All According to Plan

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"For the last time, Tom, I'm tired!" Hermione exclaimed.

Tom had been pestering her to show him how to create a corporeal patronus for who knows how long, but she refused to budge.

"At least tell me what you thought about?" Tom pressed.

"I already told you, my thoughts were all over the place," Hermione sighed. "Now I'd really like to get some much needed sleep. Are you going to keep bugging me through my door?"

Tom hesitated. That was a good idea. "Well – "

Hermione let out a growling sound and plopped herself onto the long sofa. The fire was going strong to keep the chill from seeping in. It had been raining for the past two days, yet Hermione had managed to completely avoid Tom all that time up until now.

Tom walked around to the back of the couch and leaned his chin on his arms, looking down at her. He raised his eyebrows sadly, lips put in a deep pout. Hermione simply looked at him, completely unfazed.

"Did it have to do with me?" he asked with a mischievous smile. "Is that why you won't tell me? Because you're embarrassed to admit it?" He reached out and poked her nose.

Hermione scoffed, swatting at his hand like it was a mosquito. "Please, when have we ever completely gotten along?"

"I'd like to think we've had our moments."

"Well, we haven't. Not enough to create a patronus, anyway."

Tom observed the light freckles dotted below her eyes. "What about young Jonathan?"

Hermione scrunched up her nose. Her face immediately took up a look of regret, and she covered it with her hands. "Oh, that was rude."

Tom let out a deep chuckle. "You may feel bad about not returning his feelings, but I for one couldn't be happier."

Hermione's fingers split apart to show her eyes that were now glaring in his direction.

"Alright, I get it, 'he's your friend,' and all," Tom acceded, straightening himself and throwing his arms up in the air. He walked around and sat on the sofa. If Hermione hadn't moved her feet just in time, he would have squished them. "But you've got to admit, he's getting a little weird, right?"

Hermione bit her lip as she thought. Tom grabbed her feet and let them sit across his lap. She looked conflicted about it at first, but her exhaustion seemed to win in the end.

"I just wish he would focus on someone who's more worth his while," Hermione admitted. "I've got bigger matters to worry about without him following me around."

Tom absently rubbed his thumb along the top of Hermione's foot as he thought over her words, and hadn't even noticed until she started squirming.

"Sor – " He stopped when he noticed the smile she was trying to hide. "What's that look?"

"Um – that just – "

Tom ran his fingers along her ankle while watching her intently.

" – really tickles!" she giggled, trying to pull her feet away.

Tom laughed out loud. "The tops of your feet are ticklish?"

"No, no, no, stop!" Hermione laughed as Tom began tickling her more. She kicked her feet, but when that didn't seem to be working, she rolled off the couch and ran around to the back. Tom allowed her a moment to catch her breath as her giggles subsided.

"Do not tickle me, Riddle," she said in what she was trying to make a serious tone.

"Is that really what you want?" he asked playfully, standing from the couch.

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