Chapter 28: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

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Once she had calmed down, Hermione closed the gates. She didn't know the charm to recast – though she hated to admit it – but she was sure she'd be visiting Professor Dumbledore soon. He would be able to fix it, and maybe even help her once again.

As Hermione trekked dejectedly back up to Hogwarts Castle, she wondered if Dumbledore would even remember her. It had to have been at least twenty years into the future if her Potions Professor, Severus Snape was here as a student.

She had to be sometime in the seventies, but specifically which year, Hermione wasn't sure. All she knew was that she had to find a way to get Tom back, and that was not something she would be able to do alone.

Hermione dipped her head as she passed the pale form of Severus Snape, avoiding his scrutinizing gaze, and walked into the castle. What year could she be in? Was this possibly Snape's seventh year, or was it a year or two earlier?

The halls looked the same as they always had. Of course, that meant a lot of other qualities were similar as well.

Hermine felt something wet and sticky slide down her hair and robes, and looked up at Peeves, who was laughing madly, holding a now empty bottle of ink in his transparent hands.

"Peeves!" Hermione screeched, attempting to wipe the ink from the side of her face.

"Ooh, someone doesn't like the color black, no she doesn't," Peeves snickered. "I was just trying to help fix your ratty hair! Eeheehehee!"

He dropped the bottle over her head, and she barely dodged the shattering glass as Peeves took off and disappeared through a wall. She didn't remember him behaving so badly in 1945, but she had always been hiding away somewhere, so it made sense that she never got much of a chance to witness his antics.

That, or he'd just gotten worse throughout the years.

"Are you alright?"

Hermione looked up, pausing her attempt to wipe herself off. A boy with light brown hair and green eyes approached. He wore Gryffindor robes and had some sort of scar on his neck.

"I'm fine," Hermione huffed. "Peeves got me with a bottle of ink."

The boy shook his head. "He's been causing quite the ruckus lately." He flicked his wand to clear the glass from the ground. He then pointed his wand at her. "Scourgify."

Hermione felt the pink frothy bubbles work their way around her hair and robes, then they disappeared altogether.

"Thanks," she said with a smile.

The boy nodded. "Remus Lupin." He held out his hand.

All Hermione could do for a moment was stare dumbly at him. She was speaking to the young Remus Lupin?

"Uh - right -" She shook his hand. ""

That had been the first surname she could think of.

"Potter?" Remus questioned. "Any relation to James Potter?"

Bollocks. She forgot about James Potter, Harry's father, being here at the same time as Snape.

"Er...yes, I'm his cousin," she said lamely.

"Oh, I don't envy you for that," Remus laughed.

Hermione chuckled nervously. She had to get out of there before James showed up.

"Oi! Moony!" another voice rang out from behind Hermione.

She turned around quickly to see two boys striding confidently toward them, and another shy-looking following behind. Her shoulders slumped. Of course the whole pack of Marauders was now in her general vicinity. This was just not her day.

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