Tom had heard just one scream emit from the Room of Requirement before the door had completely sealed itself. He banged against the wall behind the tapestry, walked in front of it countless times, and tried numerous spells against it, but the door would not reveal itself again. Whatever Hermione had asked, she must have thought it out completely.
He was supposed to help her. How could he do that when she shut him out like this?
"Tom? Are you alright?"
Tom didn't look at the person who'd spoken, choosing instead to slide his back down the wall until he rested helplessly against it with his legs sprawled out in front of him. He had never let anyone see him in such a state of distress, but at this moment he didn't care one bit.
"Riddle, what's wrong?" Abraxas Malfoy lowered himself down until he was closer to eye level with Tom.
"She wouldn't let me help," he said hollowly. "She's all alone and there's nothing I can do about it."
Abraxas looked around the hallway with a confused look on his face before returning his gaze back to Tom.
"You mean Granger?"
"Who else do you think I mean, you imbecile?" Tom sneered.
"Well, what happened? Is she alright?"
Abraxas fell back onto his butt in surprise at Tom's outburst.
"She's not alright," Tom whispered.
"Tom if she's in danger we need to tell Headmaster Dippett," Abraxas pressed.
Tom whipped out his wand and pointed it straight at his knight's face.
"If you tell anyone about this, have no doubt in your mind, Malfoy, that I will kill you." Tom held no room for argument as Abraxas stared not at the wand in his face, but at the eyes behind it.
"You really do care about her, don't you?"
"What reason would you ever have to believe I didn't?" Tom questioned.
"Is there anything I can do?" Abraxas asked instead.
Tom lowered his wand to the ground. "No," he said, "there's nothing we can do until morning. Go back to your common room, this matter isn't your concern."
Abraxas looked like he was about to object, but Tom tapped his wand against the ground impatiently and that seemed to be enough answer for him. Abraxas raised his hands in front of him and stood up, slowly walking backwards down the hall.
Tom stowed his wand once the blond had gone and leaned his head back against the tapestry behind him. Abraxas must have been doing his rounds as House Prefect, which meant the long night had only just begun. But Tom knew he would not be getting an ounce of sleep that night; not while he was a nervous wreck over Hermione's wellbeing.
It wasn't until sunrise, near five in the morning, that Tom attempted to open the door to the Room of Requirement once again. This time, a doorway formed for him, and as soon as he could, he threw it open and launched himself inside.
Hermione lay with her back to him near the back of the Room. Though it didn't seem to give her anything to destroy, the bare walls held hundreds of scratch marks and several hints of blood where Hermione had hurt herself trying to escape.
Tom averted his gaze from Hermione's scratched and uncovered body, and levitated his cloak over to cover her. Then he hurried over to her side. She seemed to be unconscious this time, and Tom wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't just carry her through the halls when she was so unclothed, and there weren't enough items for him to transfigure any for her.

Braving the Past
أدب الهواةIn the year 1945, Tom Riddle was prepared to begin his reign as the Dark Lord. In 1977, he had accomplished that which he most desired - dominion in the wizarding world and the power to quiet all those who opposed him. In 1998, Hogwarts has fallen...