Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

Alec is allowed to stay at the school, but I have to transfer to a school of the principal's choice. The principal is more appalled at the fact that I'm still legally a child and Alec is an adult. He doesn't mind much that I'm a student and he a trainer, because I've almost graduated. I pack all of my belongings, and I prepare for the car that will take me at eight am. Alec isn't allowed to see me before I leave, though I wish I could say goodbye before departing. I have no idea what my destination is, so when the car arrives at an airport I'm confused. I'm handed a ticket and told that I'll be picked up on the other side. I look at where I'm going and have a mini panic attack. The ticket tells me I'm going to London.

Just before the plane takes off, I receive a text message that I have to scan quickly before turning my phone off. It reads:


I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused, and I want to help any way I can. Your trip is not permanent- it's just a suspension so you can learn 'self discipline'. They will probably only have you there for two months at most, and then if they want you to stay I will ask to be reassigned over there. By the way, please do me the honour of visiting my hometown. The address of my old house is below. Relax and have a good time. Enjoy yourself, and make the most of the trip.


I'm on the plane for eight hours before we have a stop off. Then the plane continues for another twelve hours. I arrive at London airport at midday, though by the time I've gone through customs it's close to two thirty. I walk towards the exit and see the trainers who obviously don't fit in with the other people around. They wait for me to join them, and then they greet me.

"I'm Lachlan," says one. He has blonde hair the same shade as mine, and pale grey-blue eyes.

"The name's Jobe," says the other one in a slightly more friendly tone. He has dark hair and hazel eyes. Both of them have strong accents, and I love listening to them speak. It reminds me of Alec, who has a trace of the accent when he talks.

"I'm Kate," I reply, and they smile at my way of speech. Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all.

We take a public bus from the airport to the last stop on the line, and then switch to another bus. After we get off, we walk for around an hour until we arrive at a school that looks like it has come straight out of a Harry Potter novel. The main building is a castle that has four storeys, and there are five towers. The door to the building is an extremely large one made of oak, and it creaks as we walk in. The castle is illuminated only with candles, and also torches along the walls. We walk through the entrance hall and up two flights of stairs. The trainers leave me outside an office that looks like every other room in the building. I thank them, and then walk in. Behind the desk is a man with dark hair and eyes, who looks to be about thirty five. His eyes are fixed on me, and he gestures to the chair in front of him. I sit down, and he speaks. His voice has an accent that is just slightly different to the two trainers, though he's still English.

"Welcome, Miss Joyce, to Hybrid Academy." I smile weakly, and he nods understandingly. "Yes, yes. I know. You've travelled halfway across the world just to change schools. I know the reason why, though I feel no need to mention it. I'm sure you had your reasons. Here at Hybrid we have the best trainers, as the Council Headquarters is very close."

"Alec Mortan was my mentor. I doubt there's anyone better than him," I say bluntly.

"Well, I'm sure we can't beat Alec, but in general-"

"I don't care. I'm not here because I want to be. It doesn't matter how good the school is. It makes no difference to me."

"Okay, I understand. You're tired, and frustrated. There are five training fields out the back: archery, sprinting, sword-fighting, and two for different types of weapons. Your mentor will be assigned soon, and as we only have a week left of holidays, you must prepare for the term to start. Your new uniform will be sent up to your room, and you must wear it every day. Your mentor will answer any other questions. Good luck, and welcome to Hybrid Academy!" He stands, and then two new trainers enter the room and take me up another flight of stairs. They stop outside a large room and hand me a key. I nod, and then I open the door. The time is only seven thirty, so I am expecting everyone to be awake. However, I'm not expecting-

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