Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven:


"What's the update on Kate?" I ask Loraine, one of my most skilled spies.

"Katelyn doesn't want to wear a dress, and is fighting with her boyfriend." I wince at that word. Although, from what I've heard, Kate and Joel are pretty happy together.

"You may go," I tell Loraine. "Send in Arthur." She leaves the room, and then suddenly Arthur enters. He's six foot one and built like a tank.

"Reporting for duty, sir," Arthur says, waiting for my orders.

"Arthur, I have a very important mission for you. I want you to assemble your best guards and go undercover. You are going to watch Kate day and night, taking shifts. If anything at all happens to her, I shall hold you responsible. Please, keep her safe," I add, desperation creeping into my voice.

"Who is this girl?" Arthur asks.

"My first and only love. My best friend. The most special girl I've ever met." Arthur smiles.

"You're in love, Mortan. But why aren't you there?"

"It's a long story. Go now, and make sure she's safe." Arthur leaves, and I collapse into my chair. I pinch the bridge of my nose and wipe my hand over my face exhaustedly. Kate will be the death of me. She's a magnet for trouble. I don't know how else I can keep her safe, unless I return, in which case I don't think either her or Joel would be quite happy. But... maybe I can just check on her. Perhaps I can just double check on Arthur and his team. Maybe... yeah, why not?


I walk into the school dance, wearing a black tuxedo and a mask hiding my face. I spot Kate immediately, and see that she's dancing with Joel. When the song ends, I stroll up to her and hold my hand out.

"May I have this dance?" I ask. I pray that they don't recognise my voice, and then Kate takes my hand.

"Of course, sir," she replies. I pull her into an elegant ballroom dance, and she looks up into my eyes. She pulls me along, and I realise we're going to the corner of the room. I look down and take in her beauty and perfection. She's amazing. Absolutely perfect. When we're in a dark, secluded corner, Kate lifts up her hand and rips off my mask.

"What are you doing here?" she hisses, glaring at me. I smirk at her, and she leans down. Suddenly I have a knife at my throat. My eyes widen in surprise. Why is she so angry?

"Why so upset?" I ask her.

"No goodbye, just a note, no chance to prepare for the pain. No warning. You just left." She presses the knife in, and I feel a sharp sting on my neck. I reach up, and in one swift move I throw the knife up at the ceiling, where it sticks in like a pin on a pin board.

"Try that again," I warn, "and I'll throw it at someone. Most likely Joel."

"Why are you here?" she asks defiantly, hands on her hips.

"To check on you. I don't want you getting hurt. I can't protect you anymore." I turn to the side and see Joel making his way over. I swiftly walk out the doors of the ballroom, and to the courtyard. Joel follows me, as does Kate. I turn my back on them, and I can hear Joel as he charges towards me, weaponless. I turn at the last moment and extend my leg. Joel jumps over my leg and onto me, pushing me to the ground. I'm shocked. He's extremely strong, stronger than he used to be. I roll over so I'm on him, and he kicks me off, jumping to his feet. Suddenly Kate jumps into the fight. Together they both drive me into a corner, but I look at Joel.

"You may want to catch her," I warn him.

"What? Why?"

"Three, two, one." Kate collapses, and Joel catches her limp form. "I will always be one step ahead of you, and I am always prepared. I want you to know that if you ever hurt Kate at all, it'll be a fight to the death. I swear that to you."

"You already destroyed her," he says, and that truly hurts me.

"That's a low blow," I mutter harshly, trying to cover up how much his words affect me. "Well, I have to go. I'll probably see you another time."

"Wait! Alec!" I jump onto the roof and run into the darkness, becoming invisible. I don't want to be there when Kate wakes up. She may just murder me for tricking her the way I did. I put a drug on her hand when I asked her to dance, which she'll probably realise the moment she wakes up. She's very intelligent. That's one of the reasons I love her. (Notice the use of present tense: I said love not loved, because I'm still crazy about her.)


Once I return to my headquarters, I collapse onto my bed in exhaustion. I close my eyes for just a moment before I'm woken again.

"Sir, we have an update on one of the missions," Carey tells me. I sit up attentively and listen.

"Brief me on the details."

"Well, a large number of demon hybrids have been attacking the schools around the world. They're kidnapping their own kind. It seems as though they may be recruiting. We believe they might be planning a war."

"We can't let this happen. If a war happens, we won't be able to stop them. Contact Mitchell's team and go out to the schools. I trust you to keep them away from the schools."

"Sir, perhaps you should accompany--"

"Do not question my orders, girl! Do what I told you." Carey looks hesitant, as though she wants to say something. "What is it?" I sigh.

"They're following a trail, and a pattern. According to our calculations, they will attack Hybrid Academy in just over a month." I ponder that for a moment.

"Change of plans. I want all of you guarding Hybrid Academy. Not one of them is to get inside the school."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Regardless, I cannot afford for that school to be infiltrated."

"Does this have anything to do with a girl?" Carey asks, and I flinch. How does she know? She can't know that!

"How did you come across that information?" I question anxiously.

"I can see it in your eyes," she says simply, then leaves the room. She pokes her head back in the door to say one last thing. "Love makes us do crazy things, Alec. Just don't let anyone get hurt because of your blindness." I can't help understanding what she says, and agreeing with her. To some extent, anyway. Love truly does make us do crazy things.


I've been waiting since the start of the book to write something in Alec's POV, but I'm so used to Kate that it feels really strange. Plus, I'm not sure how men think... anyway, hope you enjoyed this chappie!!! If anyone is actually still reading this, thanks so much for the support!!! Please vote and/or comment.

Bri ;)

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