Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:

It's been two and a half weeks since I started sitting with Joel. Already, I notice people talking to me, inviting me to parties, wanting to be my friend. I also see the frightened looks I get from some of the quieter students. Alec and I are officially dating now, and yet only a few people know. In four days- when I turn eighteen- we'll be more relaxed about who knows of our relationship. My fighting skills have improved, because all of the boys practice together after school, and of course I join them. I draw with every single one of them, except Joel, who beats me every time. When I use my gift, I win every fight. Joel seems to be proud of my improvements.

"You're really fitting in well," he tells me. "The guys like you, so keep this up and soon one of them will ask you out. Guaranteed."

"I have a boyfriend," I retort automatically, then cover my mouth. Joel laughs.

"And he can compare to these boys?" he asks, gesturing towards them. I nod.

"He's better at fighting, too."

"Ha! The only person I know of who could beat any of us in a fight is..." Joel's face actually pales now. "Crap! Don't tell me you're dating that pimp! He's dangerous!"

"Alec is fine. He's no more dangerous than all of you!" I exclaim, and Joel shrugs.

"But if he hurts you, I can't even teach him a lesson. He'll kill me. So will our mum."

"Wait... 'our?'"

"Yeah, he's my half-brother. Never knew that? We even fight the same way, except I haven't been taught to use my ability yet. All demons have the same gift, but the boys and I haven't had a proper teacher in quite a while. We left our last one because he made us... well, you've heard the stories about us. That wasn't our fault. And we did finally put our feet down."

"So you guys... didn't do it for fun?" I ask, confused.

"No way! What do you take me for? I'm not that sick! I'm not a sadist, Kate."

"Sorry, I just didn't know. What about your terrible history with girls?"

"Male hormones," he says, waving it away. "But... you and Alec, huh? Interesting. If you guys are really close, could you... could you get him to come to one of our private training sessions? We could use some expert advice." Joel continues to amaze me. His personality is so twisted. He acts rebellious and dangerous, and then he'll give someone the utmost respect.

"Okay, but don't tell anyone about our relationship... at least, not for four days, because at least then I'll be eighteen."

"Oh, breaking the rules now are we? Don't worry, I know how to keep a secret. Just don't tell Jon, or it'll be circling around the entire school by morning." I agree, because everyone knows Jon has a huge mouth.

The next day, I bring Alec to the training session. He's happy to be included, and glad that he can see what I get up to with nine boys every day. Alec and Joel share a half-glare, half-smile, and then I introduce Alec to the other guys. After that, they all want to get straight into it. Alec challenges Joel, and the rest of us watch with interest. Alec attempts to use his fire, but I give him a stern look until he lets it go. The fight begins, and all I see is a blur of motion. I can hear punching and cursing, and then suddenly Joel is thrown to the ground, and Alec stands up straight, grinning.

"Now with a knife," says Alec, eyes flashing with bloodlust. This time there is blood spilled, and I bite my hand in fear. Joel collapses to the ground, and Alec throws down his knife, triumphant. I run to Joel, and I look into his eyes.

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