Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-four:


So, I'm pretty sure this might be the last chapter or something, though I may or may not do an epilogue.

Enjoy, my little ones.

Bri ;)

I glare at Shaun, standing to my feet and advancing on him.

"Ah, my dear Kate. Have you finally realised who I am?" he asks.

"Yes. You are a sick bastard who will be dead in about five minutes!" I scream, throwing myself onto him. I punch his face six times in a row, and then he manages to push me off.

"Katelyn, calm down."

"You ruined Joel! You ripped him to pieces with your sick games and your controlling personality! You destroyed him for life, and I will never forgive you for what you did." He smirks at me.

"You, my dear, are getting out of control. I think I need to give you a little trip to my basement, a place of reflection. It must have been Joel's favourite location, because he made sure to be there a lot. Let's see if you share the same desire."

"No. I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"You have no choice, lovely little Kate." His hand closes around my upper arm, grasping it tightly, and he drags me over to his bookshelf. He reaches in and pulls some sort of lever, causing the shelf to open outwards. What a cliché place to have a hidden door. He pulls me behind him as we walk into the stone passageway behind the shelf, and down a set of dark stone steps. Everything is pitch black, so I have no idea where I am. Suddenly, Shaun releases me. A torch is lit, and I realise he's let me go so he can give us light. I look around and find myself in a stone cell. There are manacles in the centre of the room, hanging from the ceiling and chained to the floor, for both hands and feet. Shaun closes them around my wrists and ankles, and I don't complain. I'll keep my pride and my dignity, even in a moment like this.

"Now, Kate, is there anything you'd like to say to me before we begin?" I spit at his feet.

"Go to hell." He stands behind me and pulls out a leather whip. I brace myself, ready for the torture that is to come.

"Step away from her." I freeze at the sound of the familiar voice, and my heart races. Tingles run up my spine, and I don't have to look over my shoulder to know who it is.

"Alec," I gasp.

"Ah, my dear Alec," Shaun says with a deadly tone. "We meet again." Suddenly I see Shaun go flying past me and into a wall. Alec runs around to my front and fiddles with the manacle on my right wrist. He drops a key into my hand once it is free, and I grasp it tightly as he runs over to continue his fight with Shaun. I quickly unlock the chains on the rest of my body, and join Alec in the fight. Together we drive Shaun into a corner, and yet he suddenly lashes out, striking me in the chest. I stumble back slightly, and he breaks our defences, bolting around behind us. He punches Alec lightning-fast, and yet Alec catches his wrist. This is a new side to Alec that I've never seen before. I've never seen him in a real fight before. I draw a knife from my belt and aim at Shaun, releasing the knife. It lodges itself deep into his shoulder, and he yells in shock.

"You little bitch!" he cries at me, murder in his eyes. Alec takes advantage of his distraction and knocks the man down. He pulls the knife out of Shaun's arm and stabs into the doctor's chest. Shaun cries out in pure agony, and he lashes out at Alec, catching him on the face. Alec, however, stands firm and pushes the man's hands behind his back, tying them with some sort of silver fibre. The fibre locks in place, and Shaun swears.

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