Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty:

Joel throws me the knife, and I bring it down into the man's back, right through to his heart and out the other side. He immediately crumples to the ground, and beside him falls another corpse- this time a woman. Alec stands over her, his face red from exertion, his body taut and ready to defend himself with the slightest of warnings. I glance around at the rest of my team- all of my students. Alec has been chosen to lead this new team on a volley of attacks. We are- as a whole- unbeatable, even to large groups of deadly warriors. We're the new 'A Team'.

I high-five Joel, and then Alec. Joel drops his arm over my shoulders.

"So," he says, "you wanna go get something to eat?"

"Uh... I was actually going to have dinner with my sister and her family," I reply, slightly guilty. "And... I kinda told her you were coming." Joel shrugs.

"Cool. Let's go. I can't wait to meet her."

"You sure?" I asked him, kind of hoping he'd say no so I'd have an excuse not to go.

"Yes, love. I'd be glad to." He smiles at me, and I shrug.

"Alrighty then."


"Hi, Katelyn," Abigail says, and I sigh.

"It's Kate," I reply pointedly, and Joel raises an eyebrow at me. "Anyway, this is my boyfriend Joel." Abigail holds out a hand towards Joel, and he grasps it tightly. She looks surprised at the strength of his grip. Being an ex Olympic Athlete, my sister is not weak, and she knows how to appreciate true strength.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Joel," she says, less than sincere. "I'm Abigail."

"Hey, Abby." He grins, and I nudge him, a smile making its way onto my face. Abigail frowns, but doesn't say anything in return. We move to walk past her, but she eyes our fighting clothes and weaponry.

"Kate, there are two other families here tonight. Come upstairs, both of you. I'm going to find something for you to wear." We both shrug and follow her up to what is obviously her and Mike's bedroom. She throws a dress at me, and I throw it right back at her.

"Give me jeans and a t-shirt," I tell her. "I am not wearing a dress." She rolls her eyes at me, and pulls out a pair of high-waisted denim shorts. I hold them up like they're contaminated, and gag.

"So you want me to wear underwear?"

"It's that or the dress," she says simply. I shrug and pull off my black fighting pants. Abigail's eyes widen, and she looks between Joel and I.

"Uh... he's going to see everything I see anyway," I explain awkwardly. "We sort of have a supernatural bond." She just sighs, and so I pull on her shorts. Funnily enough, they fit perfectly. Joel gives me a hungry look, and grabs my hand, pulling me to him. His lips find my ear.

"You should wear less clothes more often," he whispers huskily, and I shiver. He pulls away and chuckles. Abigail throws me a loose pink tank top.

"Uh... you lost me at the pink," I quickly speak up. "Hell to the no." Abigail gives me an identical light-blue top, and I pull it on. She reaches over and undoes my hair, letting the loose waves fall past my shoulders.

"Now it's your turn," she says, turning to Joel. He gulps, and she grins- evilly, might I add. She really is the spawn of Satan.

Joel ends up wearing black skinny jeans like he'd probably do anyway, and a white dress shirt, which hugs his muscular frame, as he's a bigger size than Mike. We walk down the stairs, me wearing ridiculous heels and Joel wearing black and white converse. He rolls up his sleeves as we walk towards the kitchen, and then takes my hand, entwining his fingers with mine. As we enter the kitchen, I glance around the room. One family is here already. A man and a woman are speaking with Mike while a pair of twin boys run around chasing Cleo, laughing. However, something about the way the man stands catches my attention, so I pay closer attention.

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