Chapter 1

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- They were rivals, in and out of school, enemies, opponents, and opposites, whatever you wanted to call it. But maybe, there was something else? All it took was one mistake and their seemingly simple relationship is thrown into chaos. What did they truly want from each other?

Disclaimer: I do not own any right to Bleach or any of the characters in the story.
Warnings: Yaoi (boy x boy), swearing

Chapter 1:
"Ichigoo!" The orange head sighed and stopped at the shout of his name, turning to wait for Renji to catch up with him.
"What Renji?"
"We have our next class together."
Ichigo groaned and rubbed his face. "Great, what class is it?"
He sighed heavily and stopped to grab his books from his locker. "I hope you're going to be taking notes, I'm planning to sleep."
"When do I ever slack in lessons?" Renji asked him with mock offence.
"All the time." Shutting the locker with a grin, he turned and the grin instantly morphed into a scowl. Renji rolled his eyes, the only time Ichigo looked like that was when he saw someone he definitely hated. Only one person in the school could make him scowl that deeply.
"Hey Kurosaki! Are you and Abarai planning your next date? You're looking pretty close over there."
Ichigo snorted and secured his bag on his shoulder, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You wish Jaeggerjaques. You're just pissed because I won't give you a second glance."
Grimmjow grinned, pushing away from leaning against the wall to stand in front of Ichigo and look down at him. "Trust me when I say, if I wanted your ass, I would've had it by now."
The two stood watching each other quietly, the electrified atmosphere almost tangible. Finally, Ichigo scoffed and brushed past Grimmjow, purposefully nudging his shoulder. "Whatever you say blue. You coming Renji?"
Renji nodded and sighed in relief as they walked away; thankful the two hadn't started fighting in the hallway, as they so often did. They had never seen eye-to-eye on anything, even in pre-school they'd fought over the same toys, drinks, chairs, you name it and they fought for it. Renji couldn't count the amount of times one of them had to be taken to the nurse's office because of broken noses, black eyes and even once a broken wrist when it really got out of hand.
He glanced at Ichigo as the man walked ahead of him, muttering what he assumed was insults towards Grimmjow as he went. Noting Ichigo's hands were shaking slightly, Renji frowned, he didn't usually get so riled up over a simple conversation.
He slowed down and sighed glancing at Renji quickly. "Yeah?"
"Why didn't you respond to his comment?"
"What comment?"
Renji hesitated when Ichigo's voice sharpened slightly, knowing he was walking on thin ground. "When he said if he wanted you, he could have you. You didn't deny it."
"Would you? I mean, if he tried it on with you... Would you go through with it?"
Ichigo stopped and turned around to glare at him. "Like hell I'd let that bastard touch me. I may be gay, but I'm not desperate."
Renji sighed in relief and slung an arm around Ichigo's shoulders with a grin. "That's good to know. If you told me that all these years you've actually had a secret crush on the guy, I would've freaked."
Ichigo rolled his eyes, elbowing Renji in the ribs so he removed his arm. "Trust me, there is nothing but hate between us."
Noting that Renji was satisfied with his answer, they entered the classroom and sat down quickly, already being a few minutes late but thankfully the teacher didn't question their arrival. Sitting down with a small sigh, Ichigo pulled out his books and slumped back in his seat to gaze unseeingly at the front.
He hadn't been completely honest with Renji earlier. Although he did hate Grimmjow, he did note their similarities, they probably would've been good friends if they could tolerate each other's presence, or maybe even more. Ichigo would admit to himself, but never aloud, that Grimmjow was a decent looking guy, ok maybe more than decent but still, he would never admit it. Tapping his pen absentmindedly, Ichigo didn't notice Renji glance at him in confusion as he continued staring blankly at the board.
Maybe, if things had been different when we were younger, Grimmjow and I would've been friends, we do have a lot in common unfortunately. But what I said was true; I wouldn't let him touch me even if he was the last guy on earth... I think.
Ichigo sat up straighter, his eyes widening in shock as the pen slipped from his hand.
No way... I can't seriously consider that, can I? No, definitely not. I hate him, end of story. I definitely don't find him attractive in any way. God dammit Renji! This is your fault for mentioning it earlier! I don't want Grimmjow, no way in hell.
"Ichigo?" Renji shook his arm gently as his friend looked like he was on the verge of a mental breakdown, gripping the table hard enough to turn his knuckles white. "Ichigo snap out of it."
He started slightly and exhaled, slowly loosening his grip on the table and turning to look at Renji with wide eyes. "Yeah?"
"What the fuck is wrong with you man? You looked like you were going to start hyperventilating."
Ichigo shook his head and ran a hand through his hair, smiling reassuringly. "Don't worry about it Renji, I'm fine."
"If you say so. Just try not to freak out in class, we were already late, we don't need any more attention."
"Only you would be worried about getting into trouble if I had a breakdown. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."
Renji rolled his eyes as Ichigo slumped forward, resting his head on the open book. "Pretty much, my dad will kill me if I get kept behind again this week."
"Your dad's a hard ass."
"At least mine isn't psychotic."
Ichigo snorted and closed his eyes. "Whatever, I'm going to sleep now. Wake me when class ends."
"Sure thing sleeping beauty."
Ichigo managed to get through the rest of the day without his revelation becoming known. A real achievement in his mind considering how confused he felt. It was one thing to discover he didn't exactly hate Grimmjow any more, it was a whole other level to think he held an attraction for him.
Dodging his father's flying kick, Ichigo shut the door with a sigh and stepped over him, not sparing him a second glance. "As usual dad, you won't get me." He ruffled Yuzu's head as she glanced out the kitchen and she squealed before pouting and fixing her hair.
He chuckled and grinned at her. "Nice to see you too Yuzu." With a wave of his hand at Karin who snorted and returned to flicking TV channels, he headed upstairs. Dumping his bag on the floor he pulled out his phone when it beeped, a familiar set of numbers flashing across the screen. "Well shit."
He may not have saved the number, but he knew it well enough by now to know it was Grimmjow's. The man had never told him how he'd gotten his number and he'd never questioned it. Why Grimmjow insisted on texting him was beyond fathom for him, but he couldn't help but notice his stomach flutter as he opened the text.
Hey Kurosaki you free later?
He snorted, quickly sending a reply before sitting down with a groan to do his homework, since he wouldn't have the chance that night. Yeah, why?
Only waiting a few minutes for a reply, he smiled and picked up the phone. Meet me at the Dojo around eight, we didn't get to finish our conversation earlier.
Wasn't much of a conversation if you ask me but whatever. See you later blue.
Throwing the phone on his bed to remove his distraction, he turned back to the paper in front of him and sighed. Two words, his name. They counted right? Only a hell of a lot more to go.
When the paper was finally done, Ichigo groaned in relief and dropped his pen. Standing up, he tucked it back into his bag before heading for a quick shower, if he had to meet Grimmjow, he'd rather be alert than half asleep. Pulling on clean clothes, he dodged Isshin again at the bottom of the stairs, kissing Yuzu's head quickly.
"See you later guys."
"Where are you going Ichi-nii?"
"My darling son?! Do you have a secret boyfriend I'm not aware of? Why didn't you tell me?!"
Ichigo rolled his eyes as Isshin glomped him, slowly worming his way out of the hug. "No, I'm not going on a date. I've just got something to take care off. I'll be back in a couple of hours."
He left quickly before Isshin tried to stop him, shoving his hands in his pockets with a sigh as he headed towards the Dojo. For months now, he and Grimmjow had been meeting up in secret and sparring. It was a hell of a lot easier for him to fight with Grimmjow when they weren't stopped or interrupted like they were so often in school.
Stopping outside the Dojo, Ichigo unlocked the doors and went in, turning on the lights so he could set up the room. Lucky for him his uncle owned the place and had given him the spare set of keys, hell he was the one who suggested they use the Dojo to 'work on their issues'. Ichigo thought at the time Urahara was crazy, until he began to notice he could tolerate Grimmjow's presence at school after a few weeks.
Finishing setting up the mats, Ichigo went in the changing room, shedding his hoodie and jeans as he went before pulling on his shorts and tight top. Throwing his things into his locker, Ichigo headed back into the main room, pausing when he saw Grimmjow stood waiting for him. The man grinned and dropped his bag on the edge of the room, walking to the middle to wait for Ichigo to join him.
"How long you been waiting Kurosaki?"
Ichigo rolled his shoulders, joining him in the centre. "Only just got here myself blue. What took you so long?"
Grimmjow's grin turned predatory, switching Ichigo into offensive mode, just the sight of it made him wary. He knew from experience not to underestimate Grimmjow.
"So what did you need to finish about our conversation today?"
"Baby, seeing you is enough to get me riled up any day. We haven't met up in a while and I bet you're itching for a fight too."
Ichigo rolled his eyes at the ridiculous pet name, he knew Grimmjow did it to throw him off but still, it was strange. "So why are we stood here talking?"
"My thoughts exactly."
He lunged forward and Ichigo quickly blocked the attack, dodging to the side as his own grin formed. Yeah he would admit it, he loved fighting and Grimmjow was the type of opponent he needed. Sharp enough to keep up with him and strong enough provide a challenge.
Swinging his leg around, Ichigo caught Grimmjow's side, making him stumble back slightly. "What's wrong Jaeggerjaques? You seem a bit slow tonight." Darting forward, he caught the man's arm and kicked his legs from under him, making them both crash to the floor. "You sure you came here to fight me?"
Whatever daze Grimmjow was in, he quickly snapped out of it and Ichigo suddenly found himself being pinned to the mats. "What were you saying Kurosaki? I'm the slow one around here?"
Ichigo scowled and attempted to get free, failing miserably and cursing himself mentally. He let his guard down, he knew Grimmjow was stronger than him and he'd played right into the bastards hands.
"Get the hell off me!"
"Now now, that's not very polite is it?" Grimmjow mockingly chided, pinning Ichigo's wrists above his head with one and using the other to tap the furious teens nose. "How about asking more nicely and I might do as asked?"
"Fuck you!"
He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "You get riled up so easily, it's quite funny."
"It's hard not to with your annoying ass around me!" Ichigo again attempted his plight for freedom, freezing when Grimmjow's free hand was suddenly on his hip. "What the hell are you doing?!"
Grimmjow frowned in confusion. "I thought that'd be obvious. I'm restraining you idiot."
Ichigo let out a deep breath and closed his eyes, hitting his head on the mats. Calm down Ichigo, he's only stopping you moving, nothing else. Don't freak out, he's not doing anything to you.
"What the hell are you doing? It looks like your attempting to meditate or some shit."
Ichigo's eyes snapped open so he could glare at Grimmjow. "I'm actually trying to think of a plan."
"Oh yeah, how's that going?"
Ichigo scoffed before sighing. "Are you gunna let me go or not?"
"Not until you ask nicely and admit defeat."
Grimmjow shrugged, his trademark smirk in full bloom. "Well I've got all night, don't know about you."
"I fucking hate you!"
"Yeah I love you too princess."

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