Chapter 2- The Flame

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I hid under the steps of the house. Listening to my father explaining where I was and confirming my death sentence as my mother cried for mercy. I was now her only child. Soon she would have none.

Big men wearing dull armor and necklaces that I later found out was supposed to ward off witches and dark magic, found me and grabbed me. Pulling me towards a horse-drawn cart.

I sat alone on the rough wood and turned my back on everything I had ever known.

 The town jail was little more than a locked room with bars on the windows.

 It was a cold, dark night and my execution date was set.

 The night was long but the morning came too fast. During the night, the townsfolk had been busy.

A stake had been erected, looming in the center of the town, wood piled high at the base. I could smell the flowers from here.  Among them was my favorite, a gold flower that I called the Delia flower, which only grew among the banks of my pond.

 They came soon afterwards. Their knives were obviously hidden below their clothes. They were so afraid. It saddened me to know that I was the cause of it.

 I was led in a guarded procession towards my fate.

 The townspeople were watching but held their distance.

 I reached down and managed to snatch a single Delia flower beneath the notice of my escort. The reason being that they were to afraid to look directly at me.

 I quietly climbed the wooden pile, knowing full well what was waiting. I leaned against the rough wooden pole, holding my tears at bay and the flower against my chest.

 I wish I could have said that I was surprised by the turn of events, but sadly I was not.

 I had spent the last few months hoping and praying that this day would never come, that is was just a bad dream after all.

 The tears fell now. It wasn’t a dream.

 The rough rope pulled me tight against the wood.

 My hands were left free and my flower was left within them.

 I closed my eyes as the first scent of smoke hit me and brought the flower up to my nose, replacing the scent of smoke. 

 I stood there for a while as the heat increased, until I could bare it no longer.

 I coughed, choking at the smoke that surrounded me.

 I opened my eyes.

 My coughing increased to the point that I couldn’t breath.

 Then came the pain.

 With my last breath of air, I screamed, squeezing the poor flower as if that would somehow bring me relief.

 I saw my mother trying to hold back her tears, the ones that I could not hold on to.

 Tears ran down my face as I choked, evaporating part way down, leaving streaks of salt on my face.

 As my sight faded, I heard a man cry out from the crowd, “Let that child be! Can’t you see she’s suffering?” I could not see his efforts to help me.

 The soldiers argued back, “The demons within her are trying to trick you! That is not a child you see?”


 My oxygen-starved mind must have been hearing things. I was a child. Not yet seven.

 I closed my eyes again.

Please end this suffering.


Hey there everyone. Please please please tell me if my chapter lengths are short medium or too long. Also let me know if you think the rating should go up from PG especially for this chapter. Please let me know what you think of the spacing as well. Thanks so much! Please, before you go on to the next chapter,




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