Chapter 13- Lesson One: Live Your Life

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The next morning, I purposely dragged through everything I had to do. Or at least I tried to.

I would think of him and rush and then I would remember and slow down again.

I actually put on my corset today, without being asked.

The old lady checked on my way out and we shared a knowing smile on the way out.

All in all, I reached our stream before I had meant to. Wait our stream? Where had that come from?

Dylan had not arrived yet so I leaned over the riverbank and traced my finger in swirling patterns along the surface, focusing some of my aura into my fingertips. Willing the water to grant me the honor of controlling it.

I felt its resistance, pulling against me, threatening to pull me into its chaotic anger.

Did I just personify water?

The description fit anyhow.

If you can’t beat them, join them…

The thought occurred to me suddenly.

Chaotic water, rebellious water, angry water. Use it against itself.

I laid my hand flat on the glassy surface that reflected my face, one I barely recognized. In my mind I was still a child in my mother’s arms. I would always be that child in my mother’s arms.

This time, I didn’t pull the water, I didn’t force it were it didn’t want to go, rather I led it to freedom.

That was a very poetic explanation of what really happened. The scent of Delia flowers bloomed in the air and the stream seemed to explode.

The water’s energy went in every direction it could and all at once.

I had power of water; the uncontrollable element and it had only taken five words.

Break free of your boundaries.

It was a challenge, hardly a spell but it had worked.

With my aura, I was unstoppable.

Nothing could defeat me.


Never mind, there was the voice I would do anything for.

It was Dylan.

“Um…” Dylan stumbled down the hill, confusion filling his eyes, “Why are you all wet?”

“The water explo-” my words died, what the heck was I doing?

I wondered if this boy had any idea what he was doing to me.

This morning I found myself pulling my corset tighter and making sure my hair was set perfectly so the light would catch it right.

Now it probably looked just wonderful thanks to my friend the water that…I set free.

“I tripped and fell in because there was no one to catch me today.”

There was my usual self, back from the grave.

“I mean: Je tombe parce-que je peux,” kind of a lame response, saying I fell because I can but it was a good way to turn the conversation back to the original purpose.

“Right, French,” Dylan began.

I was confused, there was more behind what he was thinking than that.

I was worried where this conversation was going, he probably didn’t like me at all and really just wanted to learn French. Or worse yet, didn’t even want to learn French and just wanted to humor me.

So I stopped him with a rule, “Whatever you say, you have to say it in French.”

“I- I mean, je, je-”

I turned away; he was going to say ‘je ne t’aime pas’. I was right: he didn’t love me.

“Je t’aime, I think I got that right,” Dylan finished.

I looked up, my eyes shining with sad tears that would never be shed.

“Will you tell me your father’s name now?” Dylan asked again, for the second time in as many days.

“His name is Sir John Dee.”

He was impressed. At least by Sir Dee.

“Did you really fall in the river?” Dylan asked, knowing the answer.

“No.” I left it at that: let him wonder.

We sat for a few more hours until I began to get really tired. I hadn’t eaten that much because I was worried about my corset. It really was silly but… I’ll just leave it at that. It was silly.

The stream flowed quietly as we sat in a comfortable silence. Neither of us had anything more to say.

A shout interrupted out peaceful silence and both Dylan and I quickly looked up the embankment to where it was coming from.

“DYLAN!” a man shouted, “IT’S TIME TO GO!”

I looked questioningly at Dylan.

“My father,” he explained, apologetically.

I shook my head, amused.

“Goodbye,” I said quietly, hoping that it would somehow make it disappear.

“Goodbye,” Dylan replied, he started walking back up the hill.

“Oh and Dylan?”

He looked back at me.

I got up and walked towards him so he could hear my whisper,

“I love you too.”


Awe isn’t that sweet. Hey guys you might think it’s weird that they fell in love so fast but typically people got married without even meeting their partner until the wedding. Slight spoiler there. I’m sorry if my French offends you. I’ve taken it for my whole life in school but I’m not confident at all. Please let me know if I have to change it or it means something I clearly don’t intend it to. This started out as a shorter chapter but now it’s not so yay! There is so so much more coming. Just a note, the cutie (Hunter Hayes) on the front is not Dylan, Hunter Hayes is casted as Josh and will be introed soon! I wanted to thank you guys for all the votes, I’ve made it to 100 votes and I couldn’t have done it without you guys. This story has had the third highest amount of votes of all my stories!


What is the meaning of life? Just kidding what I really REALLY want to know is what do you think of Dylan?

Thanks so much please





whatever you feel like doing just keep being


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