Chapter 24- Dylan vs. Alex

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Dylan had been going to Mr. Machiavelli’s School for Boys?

This whole time and I didn’t know?

My first thought was to order Alex to lead me to Dylan (awkward) and then ask Dylan why he had never told me he went to the school across the road (awka awkward).

It was my second thought too.

My third was probably the most reasonable thought though.

I had to let Dylan go because the Dark Elders could hurt him to get to me.

I breathed deeply, trying to convince myself that this was a good idea.

“I- I- who did he go to the dance with?” I finally managed to say something that could be perceived as normal, I congratulated myself.

“Cierra, he’s been crushing on her for a long time and finally got the guts to request her.”

Alex was not helping. Not even in the slightest.

I grabbed Alex’s hand and began to drag him back to the school.

“I want you to show me who Cierra is by walking over to her and starting a conversation,” I ordered in a hush whisper as we surveyed the crowd.

It was fun, almost like a secret mission.

“But then she’ll think that I’m interested in her!” Alex protested.

I felt a strange pang of jealousy but I replied nonchalantly, “So?”

Alex gave me a strangely frightened look, like he was actually afraid of something, “Have you even seen Dylan?”

“Um…yeah, why does this relate to him?”


“Shhhh,” I quieted his shouting.

“He’ll beat me up! Dylan’s like a giant! He’s a lot stronger than me! I’m too young to die!”

I thought Alex was being a bit melodramatic but I decided to go along, I didn’t really know how Dylan interacted with other boys so who was I to judge?

“Don’t worry, just say hi and then I’ll intervene and pull you out of it,” I nodded at him but he didn’t move.

“Promise?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes, “Promise.”

Alex uncomfortably walked heading in a fairly straight line towards a group of girls who giggled and pretended they didn’t notice.

Alex didn’t understand this act and stood awkwardly by for a few moments.

I nodded urgently at him and he finally spoke up, I saw his lips say ‘hi Cierra’.

And the girl who turned around was none other than the blond who had spilled wine all over my dress.

I was so angry that for a moment I stayed frozen and Alex stood there awkwardly, trying to keep small-talk exactly that.

Cierra touched Alex’s shoulder, jerking me out of my paralysis.

Nobody touched my Alex like that.

Wait, my Alex?

I was already in motion though headed straight for them.

I was near enough to see the anxiety in Cierra’s eyes, I guess talking to Alex was a new thing for her and she was worried about first impressions. Oh well, pity he was taken.

Wait, taken?

I had reached the tense environment and in a second flat, I judged the best way in which to break this up.

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