Chapter 4- Gold

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When I woke up, an intense panic gripped me, refusing to let me do anything more than gasp for air. 

What if it had all been a dream and my execution was to come today? 

Someone was shaking me awake and for a few seconds I tried to ignore it.

Then, dreading whom I would see, I opened my eyes.

It was Sir Dee; I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Are you ok?” he asked, concerned.

I nodded, “Why?”

“You were thrashing around and your aura was out of control.”

“My aura?”

“Everyone has an aura. Some can harness it for magic.”

“Magic? Like spells?” I couldn’t keep the excitement from my voice as I sat up eagerly.

Dee smiled, “Yes, each person’s aura is a different colour. Often, people’s eye colour reflects their aura. For example, mine is brown.”

He generated a glowing ball of energy within his palm. It glowed a dull brown and smelled of sulfur, the same scent I’d noticed yesterday.

“Is my aura blue then?” I recalled my eye colour, wondering at the connection.


What colour is my aura then? I wondered.

Dee sat back startled. “Telepathy,” he muttered, “I heard of it but I didn’t think it could possibly be true.”


“You were just wondering what colour your aura was, correct?” Dee began.

I nodded, wondering where this was going.

“You didn’t say anything out loud?”


“Well I heard that in my mind. I heard your voice in my mind. You’re telepathic, which means you can communicate with your thoughts. This is amazing!”

I froze. People could hear what I was thinking? This was a disaster!

Dee saw the concern on my face, "Don't be frightenned, I can teach you to control it.”

“How do I make the ball of energy?”

“It’s not that simple-”

“Just tell me how!” I knew that I could do it.

“Ok then, so imagine your aura as if it was a coat you were wearing. Now imagine that coat peeling off of you and focusing it into your palm.”

I nodded, staring at my palm with intense concentration for a long time. Just before I gave up, there was a flicker of light from the center.

“Gold,” Dee and I said together.

“What do the colours means?” I fought to keep my breathing even, despite the fact that I was suddenly exhausted.

“Different colours symbolize different levels of power. The blues and greens are the weaker colours. The pure auras are the most powerful but they’re also more rare. Your aura is the most powerful I’ve ever seen. You’re only seven now?”


“Amazing,” he stood up, checking his pocket watch, “I have to go but tomorrow, I’ll take you to meet an old friend of mine. She will awaken you.”


Hey everyone, I've had some critics *ahem* theworldisawesome *ahem* who were wondering why on earth a six-year-old would have such incredible vocabulary. First of all, she's magical and second of all this is writing in past tense. I'm using first person as if I were Aurelia and I'm writing this as if it already happened. So obviously this isn't from a 6-year-olds perspective but from the perspective of someone older, remembering the events taking place. I hope you enjoyed it, before you go, please


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