Chapter 16- No Weakness

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“What do you think you’re doing, talking to Dylan?!” I stormed into the library where he was reading a book in Latin show off. 

“He came to me,” Sir Dee did not turn his attention towards me.

“Why?” that response had completely caught me off guard.

“He wanted my blessing.”

“And what did you say?” I asked

“I said of course,” he smiled and shook his head at his book.

“What did you really say?” I was struggling to remain calm.

“I told him not to come back.”

“Why?!” it infuriated me that Sir Dee wouldn’t even meet my eye.

“As a gold, you cannot have a weakness.” Now he looked me in the eye and I held his gaze.

“A gold has to make the tough calls, a gold cannot care for anything or anyone around them. A gold is a leader and leaders can’t be swayed. Stay away from things you’ll get attached to. Which I why I’m sending you to a boarding school. You have to be strong and unmoving.”

“Why?” I thought of Dylan.

“The Dark Elders are after you. I know you know a little about them, they are powerful beings that will stop at nothing to destroy the race of the humani. A gold is particularly vulnerable. Sometimes the golds are respected as necessary members to maintain the balance. But not anymore. Distance will be good for you. It’s already been decided.”

“I don’t- I-” I recalled the Dark Elders’ offer. Join them and the rest of them would be spared.

“This is not just about Dylan is it?” Sir Dee searched my eyes, “What happened?”

How did he know?

“The Inquisitors found another ‘witch’.”

“I’m sorry,” Sir Dee comforted me.

“That’s not the worst,” I tried, the tears coming again, “I recognized the woman.”

“Who was she?”

“She was my mother.”

“This is worse than I thought,” Sir Dee turned away, “They’ve already found you. We need to speed things along. You’ll be leaving for your new school before the end of the week.”

I nodded, heading for the door.

“Where are you going?”

“Nowhere, I just forgot my book at the stream.”

“Be careful and stay away from Dylan, for his own safety.”

“I will,” I turned because I could not bear to lie to his face.


Dylan was waiting when I returned.

The sun was barely touching the horizon. It would be dark soon.

“I’m going to a boarding school,” I gasped, I had run the entire way, not bearing to be away from him for a second longer than I had to.

“When?” Dylan pulled me into his arms.

“By the end of the week and I can’t see you again.”

“Your father.”

I nodded.

He stiffened, “I have something to give you before you leave.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a dark necklace.

I turned so he could put it around my neck.

An intense pain filled me. I was so weak all of a sudden.

The necklace began to glow golden in the dying sun. Whether it was a trick of the light or something I didn’t know. I didn’t have the energy to care.

I fell to my knees, breathing hard, I couldn’t speak.

I felt Dylan next to me, he was saying something but I couldn’t understand it.

He was pulling me to my feet but I couldn’t stand.

The sudden exhaustion paralyzed me.

I pushed Dylan away from me.

And instead tumbled into the stream.

My dress pulled me down and I gasped for air.

I coughed, reaching for the opposite shore and grasped at the loose stones that bordered it.

The energy was just draining from me.

Suddenly, my exhausted brain put two and two together.

And yes, it was five.

The necklace weighed me down and shone like pure gold.

It had changed from the dark to the gold.

I could feel the darkness in the necklace.

Dylan had given me the necklace.

Dylan had been tricking me all along.

Help, Sir Dee! Please, I sent a telepathic plea to Sir Dee.

Dylan had been working for the Dark Elders.


Hey guys. I'm sorry if that chapter broke your heart. I know some kids *ahem theworldisawesome ahem* were on Team Dylan. This chapter is dedicated to her, or will be eventually. Thank you for reading, if you haven't already please check out the prologue and 




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