April 12 -What I forget to say

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Sometimes, I can't look him in the face

And tell him what's really on my mind

That I cry sometimes and say I'm okay

Or I'm hurting inside and I fake a smile

But I do all of this

To make sure he doesn't worry about me

Because that would be a waste of time

There are other things

That sometimes I say outloud without intention


That I find him so cute

And handsome

And charming

That I fall in love with him




And that I love his smell

I could bury my nose in his neck forever

That I hurt when I see that he is

That I wish I could take,

All his pain away

And tell him I'm here

No matter what.

That I crave his face, his smile, his laugh

That I imagine the future, ours together

That I feel my palm,

And feel that it's empty

Without yours inside it

"I love you"

That's what I ALWAYS forget to tell him..


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