I need to control my emotions
That's what you say
I react badly to people
and turn them away
That's blindingly discouraging
You can't see that for yourself
That you do the same things I do
But pick out my mistakes
I feel rejected and unheard
Day after day
and you don't realise
I am the way I am because of you
Besides, shouldn't I follow your example?
I can't say this to your face
I'm afraid of what you'll do
But I need to let it out somehow
Despite this, I do respect you
I hate that we fight
I admit it is my fault too
I wonder if you'll ever read this
If you did, what would you say?
Would you lock me in my room,
Ban me from living
Or would you try something different
You don't see that I'm trying
I've been around helping out
I'm really pushing myself for your attention
But all I get is insults
How can you expect me to respect you?
If you don't respect me first?
After all, you are the older one
That's what you tell me when I fight with my brother
I know in your days
It was almost tradition and culture
To respect your parents
It's not as simple for me
My culture has been crossed
And I'm stuck at which to follow
I know I'm only fifteen
And you are over forty
Does age really confirm priority?
I'd love to restart with you
Clean our slate and start afresh
But it needs to be a change on both sides
Mine, and yours too
We just need to be less hypocritical
And avoid all contradiction.
The Journey
PuisiHey guys, I've decided to publish an anthology, not necessarily based on my own experience, but my collected thoughts and ideas. I'm putting out a poem a day. I hope you enjoy it..