'You're tugging on my heart strings'
You are, but how does that even work?
Is my heart, a guitar?
Hmm, personally, I think it would be more of a ukelele
Cuz' I'm happy most of the time
No wait, probably a violin
But then that means I'm like,
Unless it was a chorus of violins
That would sound nice
I don't think it would be a cello
Or a double bass
Even though I have a large chest
I'm kidding.
An electric bass would be cool
Like I'm some cool rocker dude
I guess my heart is a guitar
Cuz that's somewhere in the middle
Isn't it?
Meh, I don't know
See, this is what you do!
And after all. This. Time!
You're still pulling me closer and closer to you
(By my heart strings, note by note)
But you see if you I pull on yours too
We make a perfect chord..

The Journey
PoesíaHey guys, I've decided to publish an anthology, not necessarily based on my own experience, but my collected thoughts and ideas. I'm putting out a poem a day. I hope you enjoy it..