April 6 -He said, She said.

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He said

She's witty and bright.

She's my sunshine.

She's fragile but tough.

She's my only love.

She can be so annoying

But never boring.

She can be so confusing

It drives me crazy.

She can be so jealous

And its... scary.

She makes me laugh.

She makes me cry.

She can make me do both at the same time!

She makes me blush.

She makes me shy.

She can make me fall in love with her again any time.

She's beautiful.

She's perfect.

She's all that i would ever want and need.

She's my everything.

Saying all of this is never enough, to make her understand how i feel. I'll spend my forever proving that my love for her is real.


She said

He's smart and but doesn't show it

He's my moonlight.

He's shows you he's hard, but he's soft

He's the one for me.

He can be so irritating

But I'd take it everyday

If it meant I could love him forever.

He drives me crazy.

He's very protective

And it's.. SO CUTE!

He makes me laugh.

He makes me cry.

He makes me feel everything at the same time!

He makes me blush.

He makes me shy.

He's all I need for all of time.

He's handsome.

He's perfect.

He's the match for me.

He's my everything.

With all of these words, he'll still never understand how much I really do love him. I'll spend my forever proving that my love for him is real.


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